Saturday 25 August 2018


Jeeps and Jops realized the jig was up!
AS ALWAYS, RANDOM PICS FROM the galleries: The JEEPS AND JOPS pic was done waaay long ago, as was GET A ROOM, with that weird black and white landscape. (Oopsie! It looks a bit too sexual, then again, so does a lot of my stuff. I'm not going to touch that with a ten foot pole!) 
THE BUDDHA is just cool, and he/she is everywhere, man--around the corner, in a raindrop, beside a fence, or standing next to you.

The pic FACES reminds me that we meet many things in the dark, people popping in and out of view all the time; they're not usually dangerous, but often unexpected and challenging. It's not so much what we do initially  that's important, it's what we do afterwards that counts.
PARK BENCH That's me sitting on a park bench in the fall. I thought it would be a good illustration to end my first collection of poetry, if I ever had one. 

Get a Room!
And OUTSIDE MY DOOR: I just liked the urban landscape drawing; that's what I see when I walk down the street. Don't you? FLOWERS FROM MY BABY. And the pot of psychosis flowers I thought appropriate to put at the end of things. Don't sniff too closely, though....

da Buddha

Faces in the Dark

Park Bench in Late Fall

Outside my Door

Flowers From My Baby

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