Saturday 28 April 2018


So no use to hector kismet.
Do doggies step in dog shit?
(Scrape that one off your shoe.)

Holy rollers spin over and over,
squaring circles and saying, “I tol’ yer!”
Courting doom, they whistle bolder—
passing around collection plates and rue.

Clipping mountains’ pointy peaks;
belching chimneys’ plastic reeks
kill our babies ‘fore they speak.
It’s angel food for the devil’s grub.

Eating fish from the deepest darks,
fish whose eyes light up like sparks.
It’s a menu meant just for snarks.
(Be careful not to haul up that sub.)

A mother’s robe is found in the sand.
A baby crawls alone on the land.
A TV crew sets up their stand
selling rue-oil and prime-time credits.

Around tracks of tar they pace.
Then to orbits way out in space.
They’ll save but a sliver of race.
(That part they’ll have to edit.)

Doting-daddy kept his daughter close.
Doting-daddy diddled her gross.
Doting-daddy burned up like toast.
(So pass along the jam jar.)

Children playing: Who Hid the Caboose?
Children playing: Look What They’ve Turned Loose!
Children playing: You’re Hanged Man, I’m Noose.
(And you thought wishing was just on a star!)

Now, you punch your clock out on time.
You work hard to make it a good dime.
You’re polite as you wait for The Sign.
And everything still seems in order.

But in this age of virtual moon beams,
and computer-generated tomb scenes,
and thundering, real-doom boom-dreams,
you forget, nature hasn’t got any borders.

George Carlin
THIS WAS MY FIRST OR SECOND stab at 'rant poetry'. There are others who do this so much better! I have a CD in my car of the late, great George Carlin, and man! can that guy go off like a rifle shot, and shoot all those narrow-minded, self-congratulating, pumped-up rulers-of-creation smack dab between their myopic, beady little eyes! Anyway, I put this up (as I do with all of my stuff) in the hope that it might raise a chuckle or two for the reader, or cause them to pause for a moment and reflect on this or that. The 'topics' seem all over the place, from climate change, to billionaires in space, to liars, abuse, complacency, and perhaps one or two incontrovertible facts coming down the pipe. Also, I like the peppy "aaa" rhyme scheme with the fourth line as a summary statement. I like that I have a rhyme scheme between couplets of stanzas; it kind of ties things together. [Well done, Jake! Ed.]
Also, I couldn't resist putting in the cartoon I drew for it. We all feel like that little guy sometimes, don't we? I'd do the same except my darn ceiling is too low! Or is the rope too long? Gosh! I'm hopeless at suicide! Perhaps a chain saw? Hmmm......

Cheers, Jake.

Jimmy Dore
[Editor's Note: Update Fall, 2019: Another fun American comic is Jimmy Dore. He has very sharp political commentary that would be of interest to anyone who likes George Carlin. Jimmy doesn't spare the rod when he takes all those pompous mucky-mucks out to the woodshed. He has taken up the mantle of George Carlin, and goes where such comics as the sadly diminished Steven Kolbert fail to go. I do recommend him. He has a YouTube channel. 

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