Tuesday, 3 December 2024


YOU KNOW HOW IT IS when you get older. You become forgetful. You don’t have all
the necessary info at your fingertips. So, if you’re like me, you leave notes to yourself like: “Phone library”, “Buy bacon”, “Pay bills”, and so on, using the tried and true yellow “Post-It” note pads. (If you find yourself leaving a sticky note on the front door: “Put on pants,” well, that’s another discussion.) But, most seniors find a little nudge to shake loose a few brain cells using such memory aids is an easy enough thing to do.
SO, last week, much to my surprise as I got the kettle boiling for my morning cup of tea, I was gob-smacked to see all the notes I’d left myself from the night before: “Behold a Pale Horse”, “Mushrooms aren’t only found in the ground”, “Apocalypse, maybe?”, “One man’s nuke is another man’s nuke”, “Bombs away! Banzai!” And on and on. Yikes! I thought.
I THINK IT’S FAIR TO SAY that these past few weeks have given added meaning to the expression: “Holy F&@king S#*t!”. Recall, that on the weekend of November 17, 2024, Biden (or the meat-puppet handlers who make decisions for him) quietly gave Zelensky what he had been begging for, lo these many months, and that was the go-ahead to fire ATACMS missiles* deeper into Russia. Previously, Ukraine had used the missiles to attack Crimea, for example, and occasionally Russian territory bordering Ukraine. President Zelensky announced the policy change by the Americans on Monday, November 18. The next day, several ATACMS were fired into Russia’s Kursk region1. All but one was shot down. On November 19, President Putin signed into law changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine. He officially lowered the threshold for Russian strategic (i.e., nuclear) missile use. Moscow now would use such weaponry even in the event of a conventional (non-nuclear) attack, if the security of the Russian state was threatened. And later that day, to underscore just how serious Russia took the American authorization of intermediate-range ATACMS use into Russia (which would include British “Storm Shadow” and French SCALP cruise missiles by week’s end), Putin launched a heavy bombardment of Ukraine’s power grid.
FURTHERMORE, Putin warned there would be consequences for further missile attacks, and on Thursday, November 21 the Russian military launched a new type of ballistic weapon, a hypersonic missile called the “Oreshnik” (“hazel tree”), so named for the characteristic strike patterns the missile’s six independently targeted warheads make, which resemble the hanging seed pods of the hazel tree. This missile is part of a decades-long research and development effort by Russian scientists, and there is no other country2 that has such a weapon (except, perhaps, China and Iran). 
    "Oreshnik" warheads near impact. Dnipro Nov. 21
It is a significant breakthrough in missile design that can rightly be called a “game changer.” The “Oreshnik” can travel over 7,000 mph! and is unstoppable by current ABM (anti-ballistic missile) systems. Another important feature is that when the warhead strikes, there is a blast effect comparable to that of a nuclear bomb, but without the accompanying deadly, radioactive fallout. The missile's speed is so great that the kinetic energy released upon impact makes an explosive payload all but redundant. The huge manufacturing plant in Dnipro, Eastern Ukraine was turned to “powder” after the "Oreshnik's" attack.
SO, PUTIN IS LAYING DOWN his markers. He says Russia will not tolerate missile or drone attacks inside its territory and will respond with proportionate force. He said the November 21 “Oreshnik” attack in Dnipro was a “test” and that the missile was currently “in serial production.”
    Halifax, N.S., 1917. Largest pre-atomic munitions explosion

IT REMAINS TO BE SEEN whether those idiots in Ukraine (and Washington, London and Paris)4 will continue allowing Zelensky to launch their missiles at Russian infrastructure and cities. And while these missile strikes conducted by Kiev regime are mere ‘pinprick’ attacks and will DO NOTHING to change the war’s outcome and Russia’s eventually victory, they may tic off the Russian population who will demand a harsher response from the Kremlin. Which, in turn, will cause the West to escalate their response. Will they ‘double-down’ on stupid and continue poking the Russian bear? Stay tuned.
And just to be clear: we’re getting near the top of the “escalation ladder” with the use of nukes just a rung or two away. Thankfully, the “Oreshnik” allows for a bit of a ‘relief valve’ with its game changing speed, accuracy and kinetic effects, that are, again, on the magnitude of a nuclear explosion, but without the horrific radiation that comes with old-school nukes. 
Continued Ukrainian strikes inside Russia may prompt retaliatory strikes by Moscow that take out critical command and control centres, critical transportation and manufacturing hubs, even presidential palaces, both inside, and outside, Ukraine.
👉The “Oreshnik” gives Putin the option to escalate, but without climbing the ultimate rung—using tactical or “theatre” nuclear weapons. [If that happens, we may as well bend over and kiss our collective ass goodbye because once the nuclear genie is out of the bottle—even using low-yield “baby” nukes to begin with—it’s all but impossible to get that bitch back inside. Ed.]5  
More on this later.
Cheers, Jake.____________________________________
* ATACMS (“Army Tactical Missile System”) are intermediate-range supersonic cruise missiles that can strike about 190 miles into Russia. They carry conventional munitions but are capable of carrying a nuclear payload. British “Storm Shadow” and French SCALP (“Long Range Autonomous Cruise Missiles”) have a similar range and capability.
1. “Kursk” region is in southern Russia where a salient was established by Ukrainian forces. Their primary goal was to reach the Kursk NPP (Nuclear Power Plant), apparently to hold the facility as a bargaining chip in future ceasefire negotiations. But they never got near it and have been fighting a losing battle ever since, while the Russian Army steadily attrits their numbers. It was a tactical success for the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) in terms of exploiting a weakness in the Russian lines, but it was a strategic blunder with thousands of Ukrainian soldiers trapped and needlessly losing their lives in the ill-fated mission.
2. The Biden administration hopes to have its own version of the hyper-sonic, intermediate-range missile ready by 2026 when the sadsack Germans, for some insane reason, have signed on to ‘host’ yet another American base on German soil, this one with cruise and hypersonic missile batteries. Great! Just what we need—the return of intermediate missiles to Europe. This time with hypersonic capabilities that shave precious minutes from the decision-making process to decide whether to launch a retaliatory strike.
BTW, it took the “Oreshnik” just fifteen minutes to travel 620 miles from its launch pad in the Astrakhan region of Russia to Dnipro. Just sayin’.
3. Soon to be upgraded into “glide bombs” which can be directed onto targets with great accuracy.
4. Ukraine must have authorization from the U.S., Britain and France, and technical assistance on the ground, as well as access to satellite telemetry, to target and steer the missiles. AFU personnel cannot launch the missiles independently.
5. Time and again, in most desktop war games conducted by Western think tanks and military strategists with a scenario of Russia versus the US/NATO in a land war in Europe, invariably end with nuclear war.
FUN FACT: In 1987, the INF (Intermediate Nuclear Forces) treaty eliminated 2,292 short/medium/intermediate nuclear missiles (310-to-3,417-mile range) between the U.S. and the USSR. In effect, Europe was ‘de-nuked’ (save for British and French domestic arsenals, and tactical (“battlefield”) nukes: 100 air-dropped “dumb bombs”3 which are still sited on the continent.  Recall that in October of last year, Russia deployed tactical nukes in Belarus, the first time it has stationed such missiles outside the Russian Federation since the end of the cold war.
AFTER 1987, a whole contingent of nukes was taken off the table by this treaty which lasted until 2019 when Trump claimed Russia was developing intermediate range missiles (they were) and walked away from it. It should be said that the missiles remained undeployed by Russia until a couple of weeks ago.
Both the Obama and Trump administrations chaffed at the INF treaty restrictions on intermediate-range missile development because they wanted them in their arsenal for the upcoming war with China that they expected to occur before the decade’s end. [War with China? Why? Ed.]
ADDITIONALLY, the Russians began their hypersonic missile development in earnest after 2009 when the Americans began installing a so-called ‘anti-ballistic” missile (ABM) base in Poland, purportedly to intercept Iranian missiles en-route to European and American targets. 
Russia rightly feared NATO missile bases in Poland and later Romania, and sought to counter them with hypersonic missiles that could strike before they could launch and could not be shot down by ABM batteries. While the Americans gave Russia assurances that the missiles siloed in Poland and Romania were not nuclear-capable, had no on-site nuclear warheads stored, and were an ABM system directed against incoming Iranian missiles😆, there was no formal mechanism for Russia to inspect or verify the weapons' status with the "INF" treaty cancelled and no way for Russia to believe or trust the Americans. 
Recall that it was Donald Trump who walked away from the INF treaty in 2019 and George Bush Jr. who, earlier, cancelled the "ABM" (Anti-Ballistic Missile) treaty in 2001. The "New Start" treaty, limiting the over-all number of deployed nuclear warheads that the U.S. and Russia could have, is set to expire in 2026 unless it is renewed. Also recall that the senile meat-puppet, President Joe Biden, recently inked a deal with German PM Olaf ("I'm a cuck!") Scholz to host U.S. intermediate-range, nuclear-capable, Tomahawk  cruise missile batteries (including hypersonic missiles currently in development) in Germany when "New Start" expires in 2026. After which there will be no extant nuclear weapons treaty. Nada. Zilch.
THIS COULD MEAN the start of a new nuclear arms race: Ready! Get set! Gone!   
SO, IT’S TIT-FOR-TAT between the U.S./NATO and Russia, with NATO ever-encroaching on Russia’s borders in Georgia and Ukraine (not to mention the Baltics and Scandinavians), while Russia attempts to counter the West's incursions by direct military intervention and new weapons development. And so, today, we are left with the bat-shit crazy situation of two nuclear superpowers butting heads like rams in heat! What could go wrong? 
Man! I sure miss the Cold War!


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