Sunday 20 October 2019


I know, I know—American politics again. And two Rants in a row--oh my! And since I don’t tweet, this post will have to do as my version of re-tweeting or whatever. In this case, I’m putting a link to an October 20, 2019 Greyzone-Pushback interview by Aaron Matte with Max Blumenthal. 
Aaron Matte
Max Blumenthal
In case readers are unfamiliar with these two young journalists/bloggers, they are two of the brightest thinkers on the American media scene today, IMHO. Here, they discuss the rationale behind the recent, bizarre comments made by HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) smearing Jill Stein and particularly Tulsi Gabbard that I mentioned in my October 19 post. As you may recall, HRC called Jill Stein a Russian “asset” and Gabbard as being “groomed” by the Russians—blahblahblah.
Aaron and Max lay out the  reasons why HRC would go after Representative Gabbard, who is running in the Democratic presidential primaries, and whose views on American foreign policy—particularly regime change in Syria—are well-known and diametrically opposed to those held by Clinton and the pro-war faction of the Democratic Party. It is an excellent analysis in a 20 minute interview, and certainly worth the time to give it a view.*

Cheers, Jake.

*UPDATE: Aaron has an excellent Oct. 23/19 interview with Jill Stein, who responds to the Clinton comments and other topics. Check it out

"I'm deeply committed to being uncommitted."

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