And it's not that I think all the doodles and cartoons I do are piles
of steaming dog shit. I like some. Others leave me hemming and hawing.
Some I hate. Some bore me. But most are just there...
I thought about doing street graffiti
like Banksy, so I could have a little more cash for my retirement pod, and I
thought about spray painting the walls of my living room to get some practice in, but I don’t think my
landlord would dig my new art scene. But here’s a bit of graffiti I saw on
a mail box near where I live which I hope stays up until the spring at least. Of course, that depends on whether the Canada Post folks like their mailboxes
colourful and interesting or uniform gray...
If I Can't Fly...? |
My new program is to doodle as I watch the boob
tube in the evening. I figure it’s better than giving television my full attention.
So, some of these babies might be influenced by all kinds of electromagnetic, Manchurian
Candidate-style mind-control rays coming off the screen. Some doodles might even be programmed to
kill or, on the other hand, provoke a response in people that raises pulse-rates above
statistical norms. Others are influenced by whatever, from whenever and
wherever. Hey, stop complaining! They’re free; enjoy them or
scrape them off your shoe...
IF I CAN’T FLY, WHO CAN? Answer: Probably most everybody else in the country. Duh! Three-Dee loser doesn’t
know what’s good for him. Just jump, you jerk, and find out! And what do you mean my Air
Miles won’t get me to Antarctica!?! I’m waiting for Larsen C to calve off, so
I can get to my beach front property. What’s the hold up?
P.L.L.F. |
POOR, LITTLE LOST FACTORY (P.L.L.F.). I know this doesn't look much like a factory, but just go with it. Folks, factories are
getting lost all the time! They wander off. Some are found in re-wilded
landscapes, amid cracked parking lots and crab grass. Others are absconded
with—carted away willy-nilly to far-flung corners of the world. Some are
abandoned by their parent companies, like our little friend, here, who seems to be sporting
his first cookie-duster whiskers. Too bad, you say? So what? No skin off of my nose. Well, who will
make our widgets and wally-nutts, our Cream Dreams and floor models? Riddle-me-that,
why don’t you? Of course, if we're at all honest about it, there were too many in the first place. Just sayin'.
Prayin' to the Garden Gods |
PRAYIN’ TO THE GARDEN GODS. This guy is just way too happy to be outside! Okay, I envy him—"envy" being one
of the Seven Deadlies, I know. Six more to go, and they give me a gold star!
A House Divided |
A HOUSE DIVIDED. This obsessive, little one, like a checkers-board gone awry, reminded me of a map of the United States (sort of). We see
the divisions there, and up here we cluck-cluck our tongues and say, “Isn’t
it too bad what’s happening to them?” But lots of houses are becoming divided, these
days. We’d best attend to ours, and find the things that are truly
important in our lives, before our king is jumped, and we royally screw the pooch.
WTF?! |
WTF? I have no idea what’s happening here, and I don’t want to know. Whatever it
is, it looks downright embarrassing for all concerned. The king seems to be
looking upon the scene, and I’m sure he’s thinking: “I’m surprised AND ashamed!”
I think it will be some time before the poor chap orders, “Adult Recreational
Products” from Amazon, again! No more Prime
deliveries for you, stud! (And is that Hamlet, with his slowly deflating "Ophelia" doll?) Oopsie, indeed!
MY WORK IS DONE. A follow up on WTF?! We’re all
tempted to take our work home. And most of us do. But we have to remember that a job
is just a job.
My work is done... |
While not all of us will get our certification or be able to seal-the-deal, it's nevertheless a good idea to bring your best game when you're asked to step up to the plate.
(Wait. So, it’s okay to use sports metaphors, now? I give up!)...sigh...Her Thought
Bubble: "Who was that man?!” His
Thought Bubble: “Good job! Well done. Mission accomplished! Package delivered and on time. Oh yeah!”
ANY FINAL THOUGHTS? This little guy looks like the hero’s sidekick
who bought the farm in the movie, A
Massage Too Far, and he gets me wondering about my
local 'wellness center'.
Any Final Thoughts? |
Every week when I do my laundry, I drive to a laundromat in a
small plaza about half a mile from my house. There is, of course, Sadie's Laundromat and a Mike's Mart, and a bait shop there, and right beside the laundromat there is the "health spa". They call it the something-or-other "spa" and it has colourful logos on the door and a list of services provided. I usually sit in my car drinking coffee and read while my laundry goes
through its cycles, and I watch to see who goes into the place. In all the time I've been going there, I've never seen any customers enter --at least
through the front door. The only person I do see going in and out is the gal I’ve named, “The Madam.” She arrives in a big, white SUV and unloads supplies from time
to time. I'm curious about what exactly goes on in there and what the place looks like. I'm hesitant to check it out, but if they offer seniors’
discounts I might consider going for a "hot rocks" treatment or a pedicure or
something. Though I’ll draw the line at “deep therapy” massage, whatever
that is. It sounds like code for something involving my prostate, and I’ll leave that for
Doc Brady to fiddle with! Just say'in....
The Massage Parlor
front door
puffs open
door exit.
an exchange
of air pressure.
of charge.
Closet Jock |
CLOSET JOCK. My goal, exercise-wise, is to fit into my old jock by
spring. ‘Nough said.
while watching TV. Talk about walking and chewing gum at the same time!
p.s. if you don't like the titles, ignore them and make up your own! Doodles are only lines on a page, after all....
Cheers, Jake.
Sedimentary | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Evolution |
Cain is Able |
The Gods are Rising |
Flotsom Meet Jetsom |
Ghosts and Memories |
The Hidden Garden |
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