GAZA—On 25 March, the UNSC
(United Nations Security Council) issued a resolution
demanding a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan and for the “immediate release of
hostages and for ensuring humanitarian access to Gaza”. The vote was 14 yeas and 1 abstention. All
ten, non-permanent SC members (E-10) voted in favour of the resolution, as did
four permanent members (France, Britain, China, and Russia) with the fifth, the
United States, abstaining. Note: each permanent member has veto power over any
resolution brought before the SC. The vote comes after four previous Security Council ceasefire votes since 7 October. Of these, three were vetoed by the U.S. and one vetoed by Russia and China (who found the language in the proposal too vague to actually demand a ceasefire from Israel). And contrary to what UN ambassador for the
United States Linda Thomas-Greenfield and U.S. State Department spokesperson
Matthew Miller said after the successful fifth ceasefire vote, the UNSC resolution is indeed binding, “in accordance
with Article 25 of the UN Charter which was ratified by the US.” (Al Jazeera). In other words, it becomes a statute in
international law. That’s what a resolution
voted on and passed by the Security Council is supposed to do. Duh!

Furthermore, on 28 March the ICJ
(International Court of Justice), which is an institution founded by—but separate
from—the United Nations, issued a new order:*
“…in view of
the worsening conditions of life faced by Palestinians in Gaza, in particular
the spread of famine and starvation, [Israel shall take] all necessary
and effective measures to ensure, without delay, in full cooperation with the
United Nations, the
unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic
services and humanitarian assistance to Palestinians
throughout Gaza”. (ICJ)
WHILE Israel has scaled back its
bombing and shelling of Gaza somewhat, there is still the ugly matter of people inside the enclave suffering acute food insecurity. Cases
of death by starvation, in northern Gaza particularly, are becoming
daily occurrences with the infirm, elderly and, of course, children most at risk.
There is simply not enough food and medical supplies entering Gaza due to
onerous Israeli inspection procedures, as well as radical Israeli settlers protesting at
the entrance gates and slowing down or stalling altogether relief trucks from entering.
A FURTHER PROBLEM is the chaotic
conditions within Gaza itself, with over 60% of the infrastructure (roads,
sewage, water, hydro, public buildings, schools, hospitals, homes) destroyed by
Israeli bombs and shelling. Relief agencies can’t get to those in need rapidly enough or at all. And we are reminded
that UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) operations have been stopped due to claims by Israel that members of the agency aided Hamas militants on 7 October. However, no
reliable proof has been forthcoming from the Netanyahu government,
yet funding for the agency was stopped by several Western governments, including Canada (which has since resumed its funding) solely on
this unsubstantiated assertion. Legislation pending in the U.S. will curtail until next year that country's UNRWA support to the tune of hundreds of million of dollars.
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JLOTS vessel en route. |
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Example of proposed JLOTS quay. |
AND SPEAKING of quays, the United
States is sending a Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) construction
convoy to build another “temporary offshore maritime pier” where aid ships can
dock, and relief supplies can be offloaded.
ONCE COMPLETED in late May or
early June, the facility could, theoretically, scale up relief efforts to begin
to address the food and medical supply needs of a large number of Gazans. Problem
is, people are starving now.
OKAY. I’m sorry I made you read
all that—all the blather about court cases, and international law, logistic
difficulties during a famine, and wowser pier engineering feats, etc. Let’s
make it simple:
👉God did not grant the Jewish
people a homeland in the Levant.
👉ISRAEL is a settler-colonial, apartheid state.
It has been so since its inception in 1948 and certainly after the 1967 war
when it annexed the Golan Heights, West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza
👉The United States could stop this bloodbath in a heartbeat by cutting off arms shipments and money to Israel. Easy peasey.
👉Zionism is a political, not a religious,
set of doctrines, first articulated by Theodor Hertzl in the late 1890s. It cloaks its racism in a thin veneer of religiosity.
core tenet is that the biblical lands of Palestine belong to people of the
Jewish faith, “from the river to the sea”. It is a racist ideology that today
promotes Jewish-Israeli exceptionalism and superiority over Palestinian Arabs. Joe Biden proudly calls himself a "Zionist."
It's disturbing to realize that a majority of Israelis favour what the IDF (Israel Defense Force) is doing in Gaza. And cabinet is behind the military operation 100%.
👉The idea of Jews ‘reinhabiting’
Palestine had been around since the Nineteenth Century. The secret Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1917 divided up the Ottoman
Empire between France, Britain, and Russia, in anticipation of an eventual victory over Germany and its allies.
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British Mandate c. 1920 |
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Pre-WWII Proposed Palestine Borders |
👉This period is
known as the “Nakba”, an Arabic word meaning “The Catastrophe”. The Gaza Strip
was administered by Egypt until the 1967 War when Israel made it part of their territory.
👉When elections were held in the
Palestinian territories in 2007, the West Bank voted for the Fatah party while the Hamas party was elected in Gaza.
👉In 2008, due to its security concerns with Hamas, Israel blockaded Gaza, preventing any viable Palestinian state from developing
in the enclave. The blockade remains in place to this day.
👉A small percentage of Gazans crossed
daily to work in Israel. There were local businesses in Gaza but
unemployment levels were among the highest in the world. There are young Palestinians who have spent their entire lives behind the walls in Gaza. It has no functioning port for international trade and its airport was destroyed by Israel in 2008.
👉Israel controls all humanitarian
aid and supplies into Gaza which has been described as the “world’s largest open-air
👉Israel has conducted five
major military operations into Gaza since the 2008 blockade, which are euphemistically referred
to as “mowing the lawn”. Previously, the longest operation was in 2014 lasting
50 days. Today’s brutal assault is in its sixth month.
👉To be clear, since the 1967 War,
and arguably earlier, Israel’s intention was always to
ethnically cleanse Palestinians from 'their' land. All of them.
👉On 7 October, Hamas militias
attacked Israel kibbutzim and military posts, killing upwards of 1200 people,
and taking around 250 hostages. In their response to the attack, the hard-right Israeli government saw this as an opportunity to make their ethnic cleansing goals a reality, especially since the majority of its population, like Americans did after 9/11, demanded retribution.
👉At last count, some 33,000,
mostly women and children (65-70% of total deaths), have been killed by Israeli bombing and shelling with over 75,000 injured. This
is a low estimate given there are 1000s still missing and presumed buried under the rubble. Much of the enclave lay in ruins,
with its population forced into the southern city of Rafah and environs. Israel does not intend they ever return to their homes.
👉Israel is razing Gaza to the ground, making it unlivable, with much of its critical infrastructure and homes turned to rubble. And they
will do the same in the West Bank.
👉Starvation is a near-term probability, especially in northern Gaza where more than 300,000 Palestinians remain.
👉The use of starvation as a tactic
in war is a war crime.
👉A dock is being built on the
Gazan shore to bring in relief supplies in by sea while hundreds of relief trucks are
lined up in Egypt at the Rafah border crossing ready to bring in food, water, and medical supplies now.
👉The docks [The U.S. will build a larger quay. ETC is early June.] being built will eventually be
used to ship Palestinians from their homeland into Europe or parts unknown. Gazans will become this century's "Boat People."
👉For decades, Israel has ignored
UN calls to return to the pre-1967 borders and leave occupied Palestinian
lands. It ignores the UN and, with American backing, it continues doing so. It seems like the Security Council's rulings, the ICJ's deliberations, all the diplomatic wrangling and hand wringing are for naught, that they are "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." (Macbeth) But, given time, they may yet turn Israel from the dark path it has taken. World opinion is turning against it.
👉Meanwhile, Zionist Israel continues to attrit and immure the population of Gaza, even as radical settlers gleefully begin parceling out Gazan land for condos and beach front property.
👉As it commits genocide and ethnic
cleansing in Gaza, it denies it commits genocide and ethnic cleansing.
👉And the future? MAYBE Israel
makes their land an exclusively Jewish state "from the river to the sea." In doing so it becomes
a pariah state, shunned by the world community. MAYBE it plans to wait-it-out until the world forgets what they did and then it's back to business as
usual. Or MAYBE this whole clusterfuk goes pear-shaped and a larger, regional war
is ignited. Then all bets are off.
👉Whatever the outcome, it's likely Gaza will be turned "into a parking lot" and Palestinian Gazans driven from their homeland.
Cheers, Jake. ______________________________________
* Recall that on 29 December 2023,
South Africa made an application with the World Court accusing Israel of the crime of genocide. The ICJ is currently in the process of weighing all the
evidence and will make a ruling, perhaps later this year. On 26 January 2024,
the Court issued its preliminary findings, saying it would take up South
Africa’s submission and begin deliberations on the question of Israel’s
complicity in genocide. It also issued provisional measures, essentially
‘cease and desist’ orders for Israel (stop killing civilians, let humanitarian
aid in, stop destroying infrastructure, etc.) The ICJ’s 28 March “new order”, is a modification to its
“provisional measures” decree to address the growing humanitarian crisis in
Gaza. Israel will ignore the ICJ's ruling as it has ignored the 25 March United Nations Security Council's resolution.
+ UPDATE: A CWK (Central World Kitchen) convoy was struck by either an Israeli drone or missile, last night. April Fools! Seven aid workers were killed returning to their warehouse from the new dock the relief organization had built. CWK is suspending its Gaza operations. PM Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, say it was an accident and promise an investigation into the incident. 💥 [Looks like a bulls-eye to me. Just sayin'. Ed.]
1.One reason the British took
this part of the Levant for their spoils after WWI was to keep Egypt and the
Suez Canal within their sphere of influence. The
Great Powers of the time divided up the Middle East (and just about everywhere
else) between them and there’s been problems in the region ever since.
[I should mention Yemen's Houthis who are blocking access to the Suez Canal for ships that are Israel-bound, as well as vessels of countries that attack them (US, UK). Ships are forced to go around Africa to reach ports in Europe and beyond, or use land routes, raising costs up and down the supply chains. (Yemen is also blocking Indian Ocean traffic.)
OF all the nations of the world, only Yemen and South Africa are taking action to challenge Israel's genocidal rampage in Gaza directly. One commentator quipped that Yemen was following the "Responsibility-to-Protect" principle, using missiles and drones to stop the mass killings and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, i.e., the Houthis are acting within the framework of international law. It's interesting that the United States is currently bombing Yemen, one of only two countries in the world acting to prevent genocide. 👍
South Africa uses the law to combat this gross injustice we witness every day. It has made a complaint before the ICJ (International Court of Justice) accusing Israel of genocide in its assault on Gaza. It also is compiling a brief to present to the ICC (International Criminal Court) charging individuals with warcrimes.👍 Deeds matter. Words matter. Ed.]
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