Sunday 14 April 2024



MAD MAGAZINE’S Alfred E. Newman doesn’t have much to worry about, but judging by this pic, taken during a video conference entitled “Ukraine. Year 2024”, President Zee looks very worried, indeed. As he should be, because the way things are going Ukraine 2025 is looking a little problematic. Or at least Zelensky’s presidency of the battle-weary nation, which may not last to bring in the New Year. One thing he may be worried about (and there are so many things!) is the looming possibility of a Russian offensive this spring once the ground has dried sufficiently.
HE MAY also be worrying whether there will be any blowback should Russian investigators cite Ukraine as one of the state actors in the Crocus City Hall massacre last month. In the meanwhile, Russia has stepped up its bombing of Ukrainian energy infrastructure but it wouldn't take much for one of those "glide bombs" to go off course and land on the presidential palace while President Zee is at breakfast. Just sayin'.
WITH funding held up in the American Congress, and European leaders scrambling to find cash and arms to send his way, Zelensky may be feeling the winds of change wafting in that will either lift him over mountains growing menacingly before him or else drop him with a splat! among the stony foothills. Time will tell, but he’d better keep his bags packed, just in case.





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