Sunday 15 October 2023


dys-, from Ancient Greek δυσ- (dus-, “hard, difficult, bad”). topia- from Ancient Greek τόπος  (tópos-, “place, region”)


YEP. “DYSTOPIA” is a bad place, alright, somewhere we’d rather not be. Nevertheless, going there seems to be the destination we’re headed to, one way or another.

👉TODAY’S Dystopia 101 lesson is about something bright and shiny called “Worldcoin”. It’s not on most people’s radars yet, but if we’re not careful, it—or its future iterations—may become a household name.* And despite the name, it’s not really about money, at least not yet, even though it comes with a cryptocurrency token called the “WLD”  (like the US dollar is abbreviated  as USD). “Worldcoin is a digital identification platform that aims to provide each person on earth with a convenient way to verify that they are a real human and not a bot or an AI algorithm.” (Forbes) It's about the great wealth of human data that's found in a digitizing world, and if Worldcoin's WLDs take off in value, so much the better.


Worldcoin proposes to


 “‘…innovate on the authentication side,’ said Jeremy Clark from the Canada-based Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering. Anyone can use crypto currencies like bitcoin, he explained, signing up with as many identities as they want, but Worldcoin is ‘trying to get one and only one (address) to basically everyone on the planet.’” (Context)


Worldcoin began test-running its universal ID system in 2021, mostly in developing countries where there are less personal privacy regulations than are found in the EU and North America. For example, the EU has the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) passed in 2018 which requires data subjects be informed of why their personal data is being collected, how it will be used, when, where it is shared, how such collections can be cancelled, and the archived data permanently deleted. 😆 Sounds good, but....

Kenya and Indonesia were the larger of the initial signup populations. Those who allowed their eyeballs to be raped scanned+ would receive a unique, universal digital ID along with WLDs worth around twenty-five dollars.  In the developed world there is less interest in the system, thus far, because the monetary ‘reward’ isn’t worth the hassle. The scanning device itself, the otherworldly “Orb”, is the mobile scanner used to record each person’s unique iris ‘signature’, which can apparently scale up into the billions. One of the proposed uses for Worldcoin is to facilitate a comprehensive UBI (Universal Basic Income). A national welfare program that utilizes an unhackable ID system such as Worldcoin purports to offer could effectively and safely restructure public services and budgets to serve the neediest in society, while keeping fraudsters at bay. At least that's the sales pitch. It’s an interesting idea that has the flavour of being just a little too good to be true.


“In October 2021, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden admonished the idea in a Twitter thread: “Don’t catalog eyeballs,” he wrote. “Don’t use biometrics for anti-fraud. In fact, don’t use biometrics for anything. The human body is not a punch ticket.’”



SO, Altman’s Worldcoin is an ID system looking for government buy-in. One problem is the adoption rate globally for use of the device is far from what was initially predicted with, not hundreds of millions of eyeballs scanned by the end of 2022, but only a few million unique digital IDs registered, along with their promissory WLDs and digital wallets. Though, it must be said, there have been more signups in developed countries, of late. It remains to be seen if this experiment of digitizing people will be adopted to any degree.1

“At the simplest level, Worldcoin is a digital identity and financial network. That’s the core of it. All of the other things—AI and UBI—are applications,” [Worldcoin CEO Alex Blania] says. “Something like this is going to happen, there’s no way around it. It will become necessary.” (Wired)


If Worldcoin doesn’t take off, no worries--there are other digitizing initiatives that could complement Worldcoin or be entirely separate scams schemes. THE THING TO REMEMBER, going forward, is that they’re all trending in the same direction, namely, the control of more and more aspects of our public and private lives. 

👉For example, Bill Gates and the ever-helpful Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with Mastercard, are piloting a program of “digital public infrastructure” (DPI) incorporating digital identity (ID), payments and data exchange.” And they're testing their digital 'services' in—you guessed it—Africa, where there are fewer regulations and, in some places, only rudimentary banking services. Promoted ostensibly to aid impoverished populations ‘grow their wealth’,😂what is really going on, as Reclaim the Net’s Didi Rankovic suggests, is “…testing comprehensive Digital IDs, for the whole world.” (As well as getting Global South farmers and low-wage workers on the credit treadmill until they fall off, impoverished or exhausted.) So far, several million have signed up, perhaps not with their eyeballs, and using fingerprints instead, but they're in the system, one that will mine every precious bit of their data until nothing is left hidden from their digital overlords. We will have to wait and see what comes out of Africa.


👉Central Bank digital Currencies (CBDCs) as a means of scrutinizing, to the most granular degree, every aspect of a person’s financial life, I have discussed, here. Several small nations have adopted CBDCs and this experiment, which may be the one to bring home the dystopian bacon, is also ongoing.  It should be noted that in 2020 our Davos BFFs at the World Economic Forum (WEF) initiated a “global consortium” (i.e., talk-shop, think-tank, resource centre) on designing “a framework for the governance of digital currencies, including stablecoins [i.e. national digital currencies].” And, our favourite Doctor Evil look-a-like, Klaus Schwab, has for some time been up to his nibs promoting and supporting digital currencies that will come to Canada, if we let our guard down. As mentioned in my previous post about CBDCs, such schemes if implemented, especially in larger economies, have the potential of giving non-elected, faceless bureaucrats control over citizens’ lives unimagined even a few years ago. We may be in for a rude awakening in the years ahead.


👉FINALLY, during these sunny, post-Covid months, we are happy to learn that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been working on a rather disturbing proposal that, if adopted by enough countries, would cede their legislative authority to unelected bureaucrats at the helm of the Geneva-based global health institution. We all remember how confusing and scary and just plain awful those two years of Covid were, with mask mandates, vaccine passports, mixed messages on treatments and vaccines, and how businesses closed their doors, some never to reopen; how lock-downs affected the way we interacted with each other, how children's education suffered, family units frayed, economies slumped, etc., etc. 

Well, good news! And it's brought to you by the same people who made all those colossal mistakes2 and U-turns back then.  These folks were wrong or half-assed right about just about everything--from masks, to vaccine efficacy, to alternative treatments, to lock-down protocols and vaccine passports.  


“The draft treaty places the WHO at the centre and solidifies the WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health and gives it sweeping, legally binding powers to force member states to adopt many of the censorship and surveillance tools that were imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic.” (Reclaim the Net)


The bureaucrats at the WHO have been working like busy beavers on this treaty since December 2021 and, if it is ratified in 2024 in a vote during the World Health Assembly (the decision-making body of the WHO), then "both the treaty and amendments to the IHR (International Health Regulations) will be legally binding under international law."

Most of us, I'm sure, don't care two figs about what these UN technocrats are up to, but we should be aware that the surveillance techniques and restrictions used during the Covid pandemic will be put in place again, regardless of what individual countries and their populations might want. Tech firms will be required to delete "dis/misinformation"  by order of this unelected body. There will be a much greater emphasis on censorship and "infodemic management" (as Orwellian and phony a term as ever there was!) It was coined by the WHO and it refers to “too much information including false or misleading information in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak.”  Feel the noose tightening? WTF!?

AND the United States wants to go even further expanding the surveillance state during the next pandemic scare by encouraging the WHO to adopt  "global surveillance measures that require the mass collection of genetic sequence data." among other measures.(Reclaim the Net) And on and on it goes. 


SO, these censorship/surveillance/data-curation projects, while not connected (at least for now), slowly gain public acceptance, and who's to say whether Worldcoin technology won't be used, for example, to register people for global pandemic passports or UBI accounts in the future? We are slowly being trained to accept greater and greater restrictions on our personal freedoms [Ask the Canadian truckers. Just sayin'. Ed.]. More scrutiny. More control. WE ARE TOLD such measures are for our "safety", our "security", our "convenience", etc.3

And like froggies slowly boiling in an increasingly hot pot, we'd be wise to step out and dip our pinky toes in the water before deciding whether to jump back in.



🔘Frogs have been around for more that 200 million years.

🔘The world's largest frog is West Africa's "Goliath" frog which can grow to 15" in length.

🔘There are over 6,000 species of frogs; some of the amphibians can live more than 20 years.

🔘Frogs are cold-blooded. To survive in winter some burrow into mud at the bottom of ponds, hibernating until spring.


"The wood frog can live north of the Arctic Circle, surviving for weeks with 65% of their body frozen. It uses glucose in its blood as a kind of anti-freeze, protecting its vital organs from damage."


🔘TOADS are frogs with a warty, rough skin and shorter legs.

Cheers, Jake.________________________________________


* Worldcoin was started in 2022 by Sam Altman the founder of OpenAI, which created and markets the ChatGPT (“Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer”) software which is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on context and past conversations.” So, instead of me painfully typing out this post, I could have AI assistance from composition to typos. Dang! Where do I sign up?! In devising a technology that can mimic human text to the point that someday the two are indistinguishable, it’s no surprise Altman (or his AI avatar—who knows?) thought up a system that can identify actual humans from machine-learning bots.


“Ironically, Altman has played a central role in sparking the current AI gold rush, [with his ChatGPT software] which has significantly worsened the very problem Worldcoin proposes to solve.” (Forbes)


Remember all those CAPTCHA ("Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.") we had to complete to log into sites a while ago? We users were training AI machine learning software how to recognize text by our digital responses. Now, those annoying pictures we click on are meant to improve AI facial recognition algorithms among other visual acuities. AIs should be paying us for all the bother!


+ It was learned that in addition to iris scans, the miniature death stars orbs also recorded body, face and eye information, including heartbeat, breathing and other vital signs. When this was made public, Worldcoin said it would discontinue scanning for such bio-metric information. It reminds me of that scandal a few years ago around “Alexa”, Amazon’s AI personal assistant device that activated, unbeknownst to its users in their homes, recording their private conversations. That was a definite oopsie! for the tech giant. Worldconcoin received less blowback for its faux pas because early users of its digital ID service, who had their bio-metric information scanned and logged, were from the developing world, where the reward of $25 was the primary motivation for signing up. 

Additionally, iris scans are valuable as IDs because:


“The algorithm used for iris ID scanning targets about 240 unique features in an iris in order to determine identity. That’s about 5 times as many as fingerprinting. The error rate is about one in a million—even less when you correlate it with other biometric scanning like fingerprinting and facial recognition.”


1. There is an additional whiff of controversy hanging over Worldcoin because one of its earlier investors was Sam Bankman-Fried (SBK), the former CEO of FTX, accused of perpetrating an $8 billion fraud at the collapsed crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital. Until he was arrested, SBK was also involved in some shady dealings in Ukraine with the Zelensky regime. He is currently on trial in New York.


2. "Mistakes" being a very charitable adjective to describe what may have been collusion at the highest levels of national governments, international organizations like the WHO and UN, as well as the deep pockets of vested interests like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, other assorted billionaires, business elites, think tanks like the WEF, etc. 

"Collusion" meaning the deliberate use of a viral outbreak, (from a lab or otherwise), in order to do 'trial runs' on various measures, programs, legislation, some temporary, others still on the books, to surveil and control global populations for profit or power, or both.  Fun times are ahead, comrades! Buckle up!


 3. Which is not to say that such technologies couldn't  be used to better our societies and improve peoples' lives world-wide. But given the lies and chicanery we've witnessed these last few years, trust in government and authority in general has eroded to the point where people no longer have faith in elites that are seen to act entirely for their own benefit, and care not a whit about the broader community.








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