Thursday 13 July 2023


    "Hey there, lonely boy, lonely boy..."

AFTER a less than successful NATO summit in Vilnius this week, President Zelensky may no longer be part of the in-crowd. He rec'd neither a "timeline" by which Ukraine will enter NATO (never), nor did he receive the jet aircraft he desperately wants. The bloom may be coming off the rose, with some NATO members complaining Zelensky hasn't been grateful enough for all the weapons  and money he has been given over the last couple of years. British Defense Minister Ben Wallis, himself a rapid Russia-hater and full-throated supporter of Ukraine's fight to the death to wrestle the Russian bear into submission, said in a post-summit interview yesterday that "We're not Amazon", commenting on American complaints that Zelensky "sometimes treated the US as an online retailer."

"So long and good luck, little buddy!"
For example, American senator, Rand Paul recently has called Zelensky "ungrateful" for the support and weaponry the United States has provided Ukraine. 
AS an aside: Included in the most recent tranche of money and weapons the US is sending Ukraine are "cluster munitions" in lieu of 155mm artillery shells because American stocks of the 155s are running low. The use of cluster munitions has been roundly condemned by most of the world, with a United Nations (non-binding) Convention prohibiting their use in place.  Most nations (including Canada. Yay!) are signatories, [111 are "parties" to the convention, i.e., they have signed and ratified the convention into their nation's laws. Ed.] though Russia, Ukraine and the United States have not signed. That the United States has decided to send such problematic munitions is unconscionable and irresponsible, and yet another sign of how far the "shining city on the hill" has fallen.
SO, it looks like Ukraine skepticism is becoming a thing within the military alliance. Amid the assurances of (non-binding) "bilateral  agreements" with Ukraine to continue sending it arms and money, there is definitely a change in the winds and calls for peace talks are increasingly being heard.
DURING the two day summit, NATO fuktards leaders
were crowing about getting Sweden into the club, apparently having arm-twisted and bribed Türkiye's Erdogan into not vetoing Sweden's membership bid.* It is fair to say that Zelensky's nose was quite out of joint about how the Nordic nation stole the show at this year's summit. How times have changed!
"Please! Please, let's be friends!"
EVERYONE there is getting a little fed up with the comedian-turned-President and his incessant demands for more and more. Indeed, going forward there will be calls for Zelensky to enter into peace talks with Russia. But unless Russia's legitimate security concerns are met, and realities on the ground are acknowledged (i.e., Russia won't be giving back territory it has conquered), and the status of neutrality for Ukraine (i.e. no NATO) is enshrined in any peace treaty, then the Slavic giant will have no choice but to move West past the Dnieper River to take Odessa and perhaps even Kiev, re-shaping what's left of western Ukraine into a land-locked, neutral, agrarian rump state. That this war was ENTIRELY preventable is the fault of a feckless generation of political midgets and dime-store grifters whose self-serving aggrandizement and ego-tripping is leading the world down the garden path to who knows what kind of future... A pox on all their houses!
"Opa! Please hold me!"
* Türkiye also wants to get into the European Union.  With his vote in favour of Sweden's admission, Erdogan gained, along with being able to purchase American jet fighters, a  lessening of visa requirements for Turks to travel in the EU under the "Schengen Agreement", which "is a treaty in which internal border checks have largely been abolished" in Europe. One can only speculate what will happen with millions of displaced persons currently in Türkiye, those who had been forced to flee from American-wrought fiascos in Iraq/Syria/Libya. If Türkiye does eventually become a member of the EU. Oopsie! With open borders, all those folks won't need to cross over in leaky boats anymore.
 Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, baby!

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