Thursday 31 October 2019


Max Blumenthal

A very brief shout out to journalist Max Blumenthal who a few days ago was arrested in Washington, DC, for “common assault” that was supposed to have occurred during the Venezuelan embassy occupation, in May of this year. Max was arrested in an early-morning raid at his home by D.C. (District of Columbia, i.e. Washington city police) with officers in SWAT team gear. This was clearly done to intimidate and humiliate him. His arrest Oct.25 on a five-month-old warrant, was as unwarranted as it was chilling. 
President Nicolas Maduro
As you may recall, activists in support of the democratically-elected government of Nicolas Maduro occupied the embassy in protest against the attempt by the US-backed regime-change puppet and opposition leader, Juan Guaido, to install his people in the Washington embassy facility. Supporters of Guaido were protesting outside the embassy. It was during this time that Blumenthal was alleged to have assaulted one of the supporters while attempting to get food into the embassy for the activists inside.
Venezuela was—and is—under severe economic and diplomatic sanctions by the United States. (“There’s oil in them thar hills, Billy!”) I won’t go into that complex and sordid history now, or the current status there and in Washington, but I’ll point to an interview with President Maduro done by Max, here, that adds some clarity to the matter.

Make no mistake: Max Blumental was arrested because he chooses to speak out against government duplicity and elite corruption in his country and elsewhere. His arrest should send a chill down the spine of every news reporter in the United States and send a wake up call to thoughtful people everywhere, including in this country. This charge is a politically-motivated smear tactic and a false accusation on the part of those who fear the word “free” in free press.
A journalist* who is deprived of his speech adds to the silence for all who would listen. There really are those who wear white hats and black hats. Blumenthal is among the former.

Cheers, Jake.

*And lest we forget, journalist-publisher Julian Assange has been in solitary confinement since May in a maximum security facility in Britain awaiting his extradition hearing to the United States. We watch before our eyes as this travesty of justice becomes a tragedy!


UPDATE: ON DECEMBER 7/19 the charges against Max Blumental were dropped by the Washington police! They were bogus claims set in place by the supporters of the illegitimate claimant to Venezuela's presidency and sectors of the American government in order to silence Max and his journalistic efforts to expose corruption and government malfeasance. A press that is free to challenge and hold to account those in power is a press that supports a strong and vibrant democracy. Congratulations to Max!