Thursday 14 February 2019


Turkey’s basting; Rome’s erasing
lines from its southern map.      
Leaders pining for more signing,
so no one takes the rap.

O, Syria! So queeria!
What is it you're doin’?
We stirred the pot. (We broke a lot!)
Still, you keep on stewin’.

 “WE’ll BUILD THE WALL!” Please make it tall;
Babel ain't far from here.
And with two sides, must we abide
that far is always near?

Caged, with colour TV.
“It’s done for love, my turtle-dove; 
it’s not for you and me.”

Bombing mud huts. We’re in a rut.
We’ve seen this show before.
Popcorn’s gone stale. Babies will wail!
While ushers lock the doors.
Until real war. Then who’ll keep score,
with the room full of trumps.
Oh, just say, “Cheezze!”He won’t say, “Pleezze!”
It’s time to take our lumps.

For when they hold trump, you’re the chump;
so play your cards right, pal.
War does come near--it is to fear.
We’ve kittens to corral!

Nuclear winter ain’t no splinter,
a boo-boo we can suck.
It’ll be pay back, going way back,
when love became a fuck.

Of our sages and their cages:
They’re not quite chalk and cheese…
“We aren’t the same! By any name!
And in the dark we’ll please.”

We read NeWsDAy! Fake news our way!
(What’s up can just be down.)
We’ll just scroll ‘round, until what’s found,
best suits our inner clown.
Reality’s fidelity, of late, it’s up for sale.
It’s a new trend. But to what end, 
if truth trots off to jail?

That NO FLY ZONE gives me a bone;
jet fumes make me horny.
If there’s oil there, what should we care?
(Crowns are far too thorny.)

"General! Sir Venerable!
What bombs you’ve dropped today!
But don’t you know, that eastern glow,
comes around here to stay?"

Lava astray?  So call Mayday! 
"Common, don't be such mopes!"
“Hey! A new flow!” “Let’s see the glow!”

So it’s tsk-tusk; we’re far too brusque,
tinkling the ivories ‘way.
Pianos sound, while trunks are bound—
though some are meant to stay.

Factories on seas, blood to our knees.
Moby Dick’s one great book!
But of its star—he’s in that jar.
(It’s best just not to look.)

On land whales leap, while lions swim deep.
It’s in the genes they sneeze.
“Just flip that switch!” (We’ve Igor’s itch.)
Watch hell begin to freeze.


Malquidora! Don’t bora
me, while I sit and stew
on what was said by one long dead:
“For all means not for few.”

Migrants apprise, then advertise:
Look What We Do Right Now!
Nannies, they please; farm workers squeeze
dregs from the golden cow.

We shop on-line. So where’s the crime?
The world’s our oyster bed.
We’ll grab the pearls; good boys and girls
don’t tell what’s left unsaid.

Hail “El Duce”, or just “Gucci”.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
When we stroll there (really nowhere),
we walk barefoot in shit.*

Heads still debate? We’ll masterbate—
their seed on stony ground.
So what’s the diff? We’re off the cliff.
Who’s buying the last round?

Now that EU, like some emu
is penned, with pages full.
Still they'll natter while they splatter,
with ripcords meant to pull.

“What’s this treaty? Be a sweetie,
fetch me my cooler shawl.
Where’s it written? Who’s emittin’?
All I see here is scrawl.”

That troubling call? A mountain’s bawl?
Or horn from Eden’s round?
What was that death that caught our breath?
What made us look around?

Those knights who fought for Camelot,
to bring his golden rule,
have since forgot, what once was taught
by lone King Arthur’s fool.

Thus ages deep, in crypts we keep;
we mark it by each soul,
that so besot with Camelot,
they’d paid King Arthur’s toll.

One bad penny, named Gin Jenny.
She had two sides, ya know!
One to keep her; one to reap her,
one for the hangman’s row.
 “Cat out of bag! You’re on the rag?
  Biology just sucks!”
  “But you’re a sperm hag, man in drag.”
  (You’re an odd pair of ducks.)

Bridges falling; Mars is calling:
Let’s plant some flags or trees.
“But it’s done! Another dry run?
We'll finish on our knees!”
But in the night, when coral’s white,
beneath a gentling  moon.
Not by the day, not in that way,
so plain upon the noon.

Are we held up, like some last sup?
(We’ve drunk the soured wine.)
Do we give 'The Speech'?  Start to preach?
And do we have the time?

Leave it alone? Worry a bone?
Take just what by the horns?
And when we leave, will we deceive
all those there left to mourn?

When all was new, when Sky sat blue,
as bright Clouds climbed Her stair,
wild Ocean told such stories bold
of fiends who walked in air!
“By such contrails! In winds, they’d sail!
Like pale gods through the sky.
Such thoughts they shaped, their reason aped:
‘To do this once, and die!’”

And Land did roar, her laughter soared,
rough-formed by rock and stone.
Our ears did ache, but in her quake
she gave us cause to moan.
Her rumbling stopped, her temper dropped,
then mighty Land did sing
a song that longed for Time to bend,
that Heaven’s bells may ring.
But Waves and Airs made plain their cares
as they drew round our Land:
“Such times are naught and best forgot,
like footprints in the sand.”

Above us waned the falling moon;
stars winked their wanton ways.
Through dawns that came too swift to name,
we laughed and called them Days.
Then Land did breath. New mountains teethed,
and Waters made their peace.
And Winds did dance in some romance,
beguiled by some new lease.
Clouds’ bellies grew to blossom dew
across the Land and Sea.
Such changes seen--so sudden seem--
more for the likes of Flea.

And Sky did smile above our Isles
and over Water’s blue.
She told us all about the Fall,
though that we always knew.
Soon Land grew green and Sea was seen
clothed in a lusty blue.
Clouds played with Winds and all but sinned!
(With touch soon came the dew!)

And then some trees and honey bees!
caressed our eyrie bright.
As did so those, like Red's red rose,
who come with Morning's light.
Our senses changed and bodies named,
some fashioned from a rib.
Once more aground on Life’s great round
to make once more our crib.

In Sky’s great arms, whatever harm
that came our way is gone.
And from Her hand each grain of sand,
in time, is steady drawn.


*The 1984 'Boot' drawing is from Google Images
which linked to
I’m not sure who the artist is. 
Nice graphic though. 
(Spit and polish, soldier! Spit! And polish.)

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