Saturday 9 June 2018


I HOPE ART LOVERS EVERYWHERE WILL FORGIVE this hodgepodge of doodles, but I yam what I yam and I does what I does until they come and remove the pen from my cold dead hand. “THIS”,  I think, was my first poem, written in the early aughts. I added the doodle of the gal sun-tanning because of her cheeky attitude! I will leave off commentary on it because it’s nice enough.
LIFE STAGES I drew back in the day. It may have been the 80s though I am not sure; it’s all a haze. 
I like A WORK IN PROGRESS there’s a lot that can be added to it as time goes by. 
And PASSION BOUND (by the way, is he bound by his passions or is he ready to free himself from them? Or is he ready to explore them?) Anyway, who doesn’t like a pic of some crazy old coot with problems. Looks good on ya, pappy! And with all those lines criss-crossing the poor guy’s face, I’m reminded of Gulliver’s Travels when Gulliver wakes, only to find he is tied up with dozens of tiny, Lilliputian ropes. The ‘toon feels kinda confining. Then there's HANG MAN (Dang! Even stick men have a hard time of it! And what are the rules of "Hang Man", again?). The next 'toon was an illustration for a poem called I WAS HERE. It reminded me of a buffalo's head. (Aside; I originally wrote here, "buffalo head". It's funny how easy it is for us to make living things into objects--there's a difference in saying "buffalo's head" and "buffalo head". The later suggests something mounted on a wall, the words are like a label of some sort. The former has a some sense of a living creature as in "the buffalo's head nodded at the approaching storm..." or whatever. The buffalo is surely one of creation's more magnificent creatures. Imagine a herd of 100,000 of them thundering across the plains!) The next two toons are about "The Bomb", so enjoy them while you can.... The last one was Photoshopped so that the colours are inverted (black is white; white, black) I thought it looked cleaner and more interesting than the original which was done in the 70s, as an illustration for a short-lived magazine a couple of friends put out. So, when it's amateur night at the Roxy:

Enjoy or delete
this little free treat.
I'll hope to meet
your expectations.
But if I should fail
and you should bail,
just drink some ale
before my next publications. 

This is nice.
Not as nice
as rice.
But nice

Life Stages

A Work in Progress

Passion Bound

Hang Man

I Was Here

"Cartoons? We ain't got no cartoons! 
We don't need no cartoons! 
I don't have to show you any stinking cartoons!"

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