Saturday 24 August 2024


DID ANYONE WATCHING the DNC (Democratic National Convention) last week not cringe as Joe (“I’m still here!”) Biden addressed party delegates and received his pro forma tongue bath at the close of Day 1 festivities in Chicago? Did he not remind you of your cranky grandad, annoyed with all the relatives hanging around his house at Christmas or Thanksgiving, or whichever family gathering you find most painful? Quick! Someone, get the President a cup of hot cocoa! On a more serious note: Biden did acknowledge the crowds chanting outside the ironically named “United Center” protesting the President’s limp-wristed Gaza-Israel initiatives. The protestors gathered, non-ironically, demanding a permanent ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war; that IDF troops withdraw from the Gaza Strip, and for an immediate flow of food and medical supplies into the enclave to address the humanitarian disaster occurring there.* He said:
“’Those protesters out in the street, they have a point…A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides….’” And that was it. He then pivoted to his favourite talking point (Ukraine) and the need to free Americans held by Russia. Not a word about how he would force Israel to stop bombing Gaza to rubble (he’s not); or how he’s going to stop the spread of polio and infectious diseases from spreading there because Israel bombed the water and sewage infrastructure (a war crime, but nah-uh, it’s not happening); or how he’s going to demand that Israel open the borders fully to allow in desperately needed humanitarian aid (also nope), or how he’s going to stop Israel from instigating a regional conflict with Hezbollah and even Iran (ditto nada); or how he’s going to withhold political cover for Israel at the UN Security Council and instead support resolutions condemning the rogue state’s genocidal rampage against the Palestinian people, and finally how he’s halting, forthwith, all military and financial support to the out-of-control, nuclear weapons-possessing apartheid state until they immediately accept a permanent ceasefire (Nah, he’s not gonna do that; not, not and more not).
SO, IT WAS A NIGHT of cringey television viewing, meanwhile tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children have been butchered, and a doddering incompetent in the White House refuses to put the brake on Israel’s genocide by denying them the weapons, money and political support without which these committed Zionists cannot reach their goal of making the lands “from the river to the sea” an exclusively Jewish state, with the Palestinians dead, gone or subjugated by military force.
👉WE ARE STILL WAITING for a retaliatory strike from Iran in wake of the assassination of a high-ranking Hamas official killed in Tehran August 1 and for the killing of a Hezbollah militia leader in Beirut, a day earlier. Both assassinations are believed to have been carried out by Israel. Tehran and Hezbollah may be holding fire to see if the most recent ceasefire negotiation can be made acceptable to both Israel and Hamas, and end the bloodshed in the Palestinian enclave. But time is running out.1
👉And after nearly four years of presiding over an American clusterfuk of his own making around just about every foreign and domestic policy initiative you can name, the old duffer says: “I’m more optimistic about the future than I was when I was elected as a 29-year-old United States senator.” Heck, I’d be optimistic about the future, as well, if all I needed to worry about was which flavour of ice cream my care staff was bringing me. (Butterscotch Ripple!)
    Lock the liquor cabinet when she's near the nuclear codes!
👉And world of wonders! Last Thursday, Kamala Harris officially became the Democrat’s candidate for president. With her middle-of-the-road, cream-puff VP pick, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, and with hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign donations, she might just pull it off. Her policies toward Israel and Gaza are unlikely to differ much from Joe Biden’s. Similarly, Trump remains a full-throated supporter of Israel no matter what. So, whoever wins the White House, it seems everyone is simpatico with dying Gazans just so long as the all-powerful AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) lobby and Benjamin  Netanyauh  are happy.
Cheers, Jake.______________________________________
* When all this is over, I think we can expect to find that perhaps 250,000 Gazans, maybe more, have died from Israeli bombs and bullets and artillery shells, and from infectious diseases, the lack of medical care, and most wickedly, famine and starvation.  A genocide occurring right before our eyes, in broad daylight. Imagine that!
1. And for those who say that Hamas fighters started this latest conflict on October 7 by massacring 1200 Israels, I would say that, yes, Israelis in kibbutzim surrounding Gaza were killed, but many were army reservists and active duty soldiers. In addition, an unknown number of Israelis were killed by IDF helicopter guns and missiles. That line of burned out cars headed back into the Gazan enclave carrying kidnapped Israelis that we all saw on our screens last October wasn't caused by the light arms weapons used by the Hamas fighters. They were destroyed by Israeli helicopter gunships. And those pictures of Israeli homes destroyed by what could only have been from tank fire, strongly suggests that Israeli soldiers were acting under the Hannibal Directive.
👉One commentator characterized the Hamas attacks of October 7 as a "prison break." Others have referred to the Gaza Strip as the world's largest open air prison."  




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