Saturday 3 August 2024


LAST WEEK the American congress beclowned itself once again by giving Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu fifty-eight standing ovations in a 55-minute speech! Like trained seals they applauded and cheered the mass-murderer as he justified his actions in Gaza with rhetoric masking the reality that he is, in fact, committing war crimes there. Israel has been charged with genocide by the world’s highest court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Meanwhile, the International Criminal Court (ICC), which weighs in on individuals who are deemed to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, is set to bring charges of genocide against Netanyahu and his defense minister, and to issue international arrest warrants for the pair.
BUT the Israeli PM didn’t seem too worried about being put in the hoosegow any time soon, and certainly not following his address before the American congress which  proved to one and all that it was bought and paid for by Israel lobby and its rich, Zionist donors . [One House republican and around half the House and Senate democrats did not attend the ass-kiss event, to their credit—even though most sign off anyway on legislation granting Israel the money and weapons necessary for it to conduct its genocide in Gaza. Ed.] One house democrat, Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, sat silently throughout Netanyahu's speech with a small sign saying "War Criminal". That took a bit of guts. Good for her.
The chamber was filled with congressmen and senators, but also with invited shills and stooges of AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee), the powerful lobby that funnels tens of millions of dollars each year into campaign funds for ‘right-thinking’ politicians who support legislation favorable to the Jewish state. Interestingly, Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, was an attendee. I wonder if he stood and clapped fifty-eight times during Bibi’s speech. Then again, he probably paid someone to do that for him. 
ON 25 July, both legislative houses were held spellbound, apparently, as Netanyahu poured his oily words into their ears. The Israeli PM came to Washington to shore up support for his extermination campaign in Gaza and perhaps to get a green light from the Americans to begin operations on a second front into the borderlands of Lebanon. And it looks like he may have gotten both wishes during his visit. Note that last week, days after the Israeli PM’s speech to congress and the private talks he held with President Biden, and later with Donald Trump, Israel conducted two targeted assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders in Beirut and Tehran respectively in the same number of days. Like swatting the proverbial hornet’s nest, these assassinations were designed to heighten the levels of rancor and animosity in the region. We wait with bated breath for a response from Lebanon’s Hezbollah and from Iran over these brazen, deliberately provocative attacks, and there is word of an American carrier group steaming towards the Mediterranean. Most commentators expect a larger, regional war to break out, with America brought into the fray on the side of Israel against Hezbollah and quite possibly Iran, something Netanyahu has wanted for decades. A defeated Iran would leave Israel as the dominant power in the region. 
It seems the Americans will support Israel no matter what it does, no matter how foolhardy, or criminal, or depraved its actions, and no matter how much it costs the U.S. in armaments, and how much damage is done to America's reputation in the eyes of the watching world. I have said before that I think Israel is a psychologically sick society. Its pathology threatens to infect all those who ignore its symptoms that have been so evidentially on display since 7 October (and really since the country's founding).
    Netanyahu: A master manipulator.
AND THERE IS AN ADDED, frightening possibility: Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Ret. U.S. Army) speculates that Israel may use tactical nuclear weapons against Hezbollah. The Jewish state is an undeclared nuclear power with an estimated 2-300 nuclear warheads in its arsenal.* If it is backed into a corner and its war plans go south, what may the desperate Israeli regime do? We should find out shortly where all this is heading when Hezbollah and Iran respond to the Israeli-engineered assassinations in the coming days and weeks.
Cheers, Jake.
 * Nuclear weapons, no matter the size of the cache, deforms the operations of a state and skews its political decision-making in their favour. They are the final ‘ace in the deck’, a trump card to be played when all else fails. With their use you may win the hand but ultimately lose the game.
In 1977 the U.S. passed the “Glenn Act” which prohibits arms sales or funding from the United States to any country that has nuclear weapons but does not sign the UN-sponsored Nuclear Arms Proliferation Treaty. As Israel does not officially acknowledge that it possesses nuclear weapons, it remains eligible to receive U.S. aid. But, if it drops nukes on Lebanon, would the "Glenn Act" provisions  embargoing weapons and financial aid to Israel come into effect? Or would the U.S. stick its head in the sand and ignore the detonations and radiation along with whatever else Israel plans?
In 1979 Israel conducted its first and only nuclear test in the waters off South Africa, becoming (unofficially) a nuclear armed state. [Hold your applause. Ed.]


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