Wednesday 1 May 2024



In this photo,  Ukraine’s president Zelensky squints after being hit with flying cheques and dollars thrown his way by U.S. lawmakers this week, along with several EU countries [U.S.:$62-billion; Britain: $3.75-billion annually "for as long as it takes; France $3.2-billion; Canada: one-billion loonies for the cause this year. Ed.] Of course, one hopes he wasn’t blinded by the flying moolah but even if he was I’m sure the commander-in-graft would have the resources to buy a new eye, or at the very least a replacement one made of gold.

Word to the wise: President Zelensky must keep his eye on the ball because the clock is ticking: His presidency ends officially on 20 May. What happens after that is anyone’s guess. He may be booted out of office, though he’ll no doubt land softly on the bags of money he’s been squirreling away since he became president in 2019. 

Don’t let the screen door hit you on the way out, Volodymyr.…




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