Friday 16 February 2024


IT MIGHT take you a little while to puzzle out what’s going on in this picture; it’s hard to make sense of it at first glance. And I will hazard a guess that nine-tenths of you (me included) would never guess what these iky structures are unless you were told where they came from. So, gown and mask up and take a closer look: You see someone’s hand, obviously, wearing a blue surgical glove. But what’s in their palm? The larger, whitish structure is about 15cm long. It looks like a wrinkled, narrow length of collapsed tubing or a plastic sheathing with several branches. The smaller structures look like twigs, also branching, and with dark brown jelly-gloop on them. What the heck are they?
OF COURSE, the surgical glove is a clue. These peculiar structures came from you, dear reader. (Well, hopefully not you you—otherwise you’d be dead.) These are blood-clots removed from a deceased’s body during the embalming process. Ick! Yucky, right? Specifically, they are from the circulatory system, found by embalmers in both the arterial and venous blood streams, as they prepared bodies for burial. It should be said that typical "jelly" blood-clots usually form along the venous side of the body. "But these white fibrous clots are appearing as well on the arterial side...It's uncommon for embalmers to see clots on the arterial side."(Haviland)
AT A FUNERAL PARLOUR, the procedure is first to remove the blood,
“…and replac[e] it with a formaldehyde-based fluid. A small incision is usually made on the remains right side of the lower neck. It is at this position that two of the largest circulatory vessels are located. The carotid artery and the jugular vein….
Incisions are made in both vessels, and a tube connected to the embalming fluid pump is placed into the carotid artery, another tube is placed into the jugular vein, this is called a drain tube. The basic theory is to pump embalming fluid into the artery, and this will cause the blood to return through the veins and flow outside the remains for disposal. Approximately 3 gallons of a mixture of fluid and water are circulated through the remains for thorough disinfection and preservation to take place. In most cases, this will be the only point of injection of the embalming fluid. There are times when clots and other factors stop the flow of fluid throughout the whole system, and at these times, other points of injection are necessary in order to do a complete and thorough embalming.” (Sherman’s)
AND that’s probably more information than you wanted to know. Sorry about that. But it’s time to put on your big boy pants and listen up because what's interesting, and disturbing, is what these things are that morticians have been finding in the veins and arteries of the corpses they prepare, and when they began to see them.
I happened to catch a podcast by Dr. John Campbell, a retired British nurse-educator, author, and popular YouTuber, in which he described what he considers may very well be a “new pathology”, something not seen before—those white, sheath-like structures in the photograph. They are blood-clots, found at a site of a blocked blood vessel which, in many cases, would cause death by disrupting blood flow to vital organs. Blood-clots are nothing new, of course. Coroners, pathologists, “thanologists” [Cool Greek word. Look it up. Ed.] see them all the time. Except these clots are different. They are fibrous, stretchy, and hard to dissolve by anticoagulants. Regular blood-clots are more like “grape jelly” (or strawberry if you prefer) and are easily dissolved when you handle them. They are normally dark brown in colour.
Dr. Campbell made an astute observation when he said these rubbery white clots looked like “casts” or molds of the blood vessels, like an inner sleeve or tube. We’ve all heard of plaque formations in the blood stream, but they are typically shingled, scaly, scattered deposits that break off and reattach at sites along vessel walls until a “clot” or blockage builds up, eventually obstructing blood flow altogether. 
HOWEVER, these new white clots are a different animal altogether, and it’s a puzzle how they are formed. They are found at sites in the blood stream which are blocked and likely to have been the cause of death. Some, in the legs for example, have been found to be two to three feet long! Incidentally, morticians say it is more difficult to remove them than normal clots and that it takes longer to “flush” out the body’s fluids when they are present, often twice as long as in a normal embalming.
    Dr. John Campbell
Dr. Campbell was sent the above photo along with a recent survey study done by Tom Haviland, a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, engineer, and mathematician who took it upon himself to survey morticians in America (and Canada) after watching the documentary “Dying Suddenly”,* which highlighted this new type of blood-clot as an emerging public health concern. Haviland decided to send out  questionaires to undertakers asking them a series of questions including: Had they seen these formations in blood vessels of the deceased as they prepared them for burial? When did they start to see them? How many? What percent of total embalmings? Age of deceased? Etc.
THE SURVEY was for the years 2020-23. Haviland noted a disturbing trend as morticians responded with information that dated the arrival of the new clots to some time in mid-2021. Prior to that they had not been observed. Their presence in bodies of the deceased trended upward during the pandemic when vaccine rollouts began in earnest. They were most in evidence in the 31-55 age group, which is a group you don’t usually associate with blood-clot pathologies like strokes or heart attacks.
In 2021, 30% of bodies embalmed by the funeral parlours who responded to Haviland's survey had these unusual white blood-clots. In 2022, that percentage had fallen to 20%, lower still for 2023, trending downwards as Covid 19 vaccinations declined.
DURING Dr. Campbell's podcast, he and Haviland discussed how these new clots, made of an unusual, fibrous material, had formed. They began talking about amino acids and genetics, "frame shifting", "nonsense proteins," and I zoned out for a bit, I will admit, until I heard the words “spike proteins”, and 'my spidey senses' perked up. The two discussed the body's normal production of spike proteins (SP) during an immune response to a foreign body, for example  a flu 'bug', in the bloodstream or tissues.  They considered the possibility that this process, altered by the mRNA serum, may have had unintended consequences. 
NORMALLY, these "spikes" (and that's what they look like under an electron microscope--rod-like projections on the surface of a cell) act like 'warning flags', mimicking the surface spikes of the invading germ and training the body to recognize and attack the invaders by producing antibodies that bind, cover or otherwise prevent the pesky invaders from latching on to blood cells or other tissues in the body thereby establishing an infection. It's the spikes on the surface of the invading germ cell that latch on+ to individual cells in the body, penetrating them, then using the cell's  own molecular machinery to create copies of itself. [A virus cannot replicate on its own, it needs help. Ed]
    Illus. Covid cell & spike proteins
What Haviland and Dr. Campbell consider is the possibility that the mRNA serum alters the production of spike proteins, which in some cases result in "nonsense proteins". We know the mRNA serums made by Moderna and Pfizer stimulate SP production in the body to act in novel ways. "In this scenario not only is the vaccine not making the right protein, it could lead to a rogue protein being produced. (Yahoo)   Are these "rogue" proteins responsible for the production of the white blood-clotting material as a by-product of the treatment, an unintended outcome? Or is some other factor in the mRNA serum responsible? Or are the clots entirely unrelated to the experimental inoculation?
Q: Is there a link between spike proteins altered by mRNA treatments and new blood-clot formations
A: The jury is still out because there is surprisingly little research or public discussion of this new phenomenon. These blood-clots were first noticed by morticians. They increased and then decreased trending in frequency with the vaccine roll-outs as they waxed and waned from late 2020 to 2023. It is suggestive, therefore, to assume there is a link but it's not conclusive proof.1 It should also be noted that these years also saw a statistically significant increase in excess deaths, i.e., more deaths than one would typically expect to see over a certain time period. And we've all seen those videos of young athletes and otherwise healthy-seeming individuals collapse dead of heart attacks or strokes. Inquiring minds want to know why.
Q: Is there a causal link between these new mRNA-produced spike proteins and the increase in excess deaths, seen, incidentally, in a number of countries with remarkably similar percentages.
A: More data is needed to confirm the cause of these excess deaths, and whether they were blood-clot related. Importantly, we need to know if those clots were of the new variety. Coroner offices contacted by Haviland were oddly reluctant to revisit their death certificates or change their practices, which often result in no postmortem examinations if the person is older, for example, where heart failure or brain embolisms are to be expected, or else postmortem examinations which record blood-clots as the cause of death, but don't specify the type. This oversight in record keeping  may lead to gaps in our scientific understanding of how and why many more people than usual died during the 2020-23 years.
Dr. Campbell, in another video, here,  expressed concern over an 8% increase in child mortality in Britain, up to March 2023. Note that 52% of children age 12-15 were vaccinated. Also note that spike proteins  have been found in mother's milk. While studies and postmortem examinations are ongoing, the picture is far from complete. Are there similar child death figures from other countries? That's a further question.
Clot Samples Sent to Tom Haviland
PERHAPS the most disturbing aspect of this   under-reported phenomenon is the lack of interest expressed by American mortuary associations, pathology labs, medical examiner offices (coroner) even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Agency (FDA), and the American Medical Association. In the process of sending out his survey to American
3 mortuary societies, Haviland got a limited uptake from societies who were willing to distribute his survey to their members (morticians, undertakers, funeral homes). Why the reluctance?
IN GENERAL, there have been only muted responses and expressions of interest from pathology laboratories and other regulatory agencies. One would think, as Dr. Campbell mused, that medical associations, research institutes, public health agencies, medical associations, etc., would be champing-at-the-bit to examine and study what seems to be a "new pathology", of these strange, white blood-clot formations. That the clots may be linked with the new mRNA medications, used worldwide during the Covid-19 pandemic, should make public health agencies call for a moratorium on their use, and demand properly funded surveys and research. Again, why is there the sound of 'crickets' from so many who should be right there  in the forefront of scientific study, public commentary, and shaping public policies on this issue? [Perhaps this is one reason. Ed.]

Cheers, Jake.
* "Died Suddenly" is available on the Rumble video platform.
Think of those pesky burrs and round cockleburr seed pods that attach themselves to your socks and pants when you walk through a wild patch of ground. Same idea.
1. Okay, maybe it’s only suggestive to our public health and medical research institutions bought off by big pharma or else cuckoled by mendacious administrators and corrupt politicians--but to me, and an increasing number of people, including doctors, scientists, and politicians still possessing a moral compass, it looks like there is a connection. And it gives me the vapours to note that Moderna is rolling out several new mRNA-based medications, including flu shots, this year. Remember that PM Trudeau, the WEF's favourite rent-boy, announced last year that Moderna is setting up a new factory in Laval, Quebec thus “ensuring Canadians have secure, onshore, direct access to our mRNA vaccines for future pandemic and health emergencies.” Thanks, Moderna, I guess?
2. To call the mRNA a "vaccine" in the traditional sense is a misnomer. Traditional vaccines are composed of a small amount of, say, flu virus. This is injected into the patient's arm and a mild reaction (possible sore muscle and rash around injection site, and other mild symptoms are noted. The 'vaccine' trains the body's immune system to recognize the flu virus with its spike proteins. That 'red flags' the foreign substance in the body (the injected serum) and the nearby lymph nodes take up the serum injected into the shoulder muscle, and manufacture antibodies to attack the now-recognizable foreign 'invader' and its spike proteins. This works to inoculate the individual from contracting the real flu bug if it comes around, by keeping the immune system 'locked and loaded', and ready for any invasion from the environment by this particular virus. 
As I understand it, mRNA treatments....Wait. I don't understand, but here and here are short explanations of mRNA serums and how they are supposed to work.
WORRYINGLY, another way in which the mRNA serum is NOT like a traditional vaccine is that the spike proteins migrate  throughout the body. They don't remain at the injection site. Studies have found mRNA spike proteins in all major organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.), and tissues, even mother's milk and it also crosses the blood-brain barrier. This is not typical of traditional vaccines, whose serum remains mostly in the injection site (intramuscular) in the shoulder. The lymph nodes, located under the arm, acquire the vaccine which then recognize a foreign object and its spike proteins, and starts maunfacturing antibodiies to counteract the threat, thus arming the immune system in case the body is infected by the real thing.
It should be noted that there is a risk of pericarditis and myocarditis  because of damage the lab-produced spike proteins may do to the heart. There is also some evidence to suggest that mRNA vaccines may contribute to some neurological disorders.
3. Besides the U.S., he sent surveys to Canada, Germany and a couple of other countries' mortuary societies and received limited, but nevertheless telling, feedback.


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