Wednesday 2 August 2023


    Major "King" Kong from Doctor Strangelove
Peace Talks.
IN AUGUST there is to be an important meeting around ending the conflict in Ukraine  to be held in the Red Sea seaport of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.* The meeting is a follow-up to one held earlier this year in Copenhagen.  Several countries will attend: India, Brazil, Indonesia, Egypt, Mexico, Chile and Zambia, so far have said they would come. American National Security Advisor, Jake (“The Snake”) Sullivan, will also attend. There are  30 countries in all invited to the two-day event. Russia is not invited. "Ukraine and Western officials hope that the talks, which exclude Russia, can lead to international backing for peace terms favoring Ukraine," the Reuters report said. .A third such meeting is planned for the fall to continue the discussions. All three summits are less about genuine peace talks than they are about peeling away support for Russia among Global South nations (Africa, Latin America, East Asia) who have not marched in lockstep with the West’s sanctions protocols or calls to outright condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, having instead remained neutral in the debate. The US State Department is determined to win them over. This will be a test to see if American threats of sanctions will cudgel the African delegations into the West's camp or if will they side with Russia and the BRICKS representatives who are attending. It's noted that after the recent NATO summit in Lithuania, where Zelensky received a less than warm reception, his star may be waning, so let's watch to see whether his stock drops further in Jeddah. The conference is to be held August 5-6. 
ADDITIONALLY, this event comes less than two weeks after a successful Russia-Africa Economic Summit in St. Petersburg, so it will be interesting to see which way the wind is blowing from the Saudi Arabian sea port, this month.
    1919 Paris Peace Talks Session
AND APPARENTLY, there         are unofficial discussions quietly going on between Poland, the Baltic states and, I presume, Ukraine in which Ukraine will make territorial concessions in future treaty talks (something the Zelensky regime has refused to consider thus far), which might open the door for direct negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.+ These informal talks are facilitated by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, who was instrumental in the deal earlier this year which saw several Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov battalion commanders transferred  into the custody of Türkiye (Turkey),
during the battle for Mariupol, instead of facing certain death at the hands of the Russians. Abramovich and his interlocutors may help bring Russia and Ukraine (and the United States) to the negotiating table for substantive peace talks, if these preliminary discussions prove fruitful. It’s early days, of course.
BUT WAIT! There's another peace initiative was just put on the table by a senior Russian Foreign Ministry official, Aleksey Polishchuk, who said in a statement that the tactical nuclear weapons, recently deployed in Belerus by Russia could be removed if Russia’s security concerns are addressed and the long-standing NATO deployment of similar Armageddon weapons in Europe are drawn down. He described Russia's decision to station nuclear weapons in Belarus as a necessary measure to
"...buttress the security of both Moscow and Minsk. Polishchuk said that Russia sent nuclear weapons to Belarus 'in response to years-long destabilizing nuclear policies by NATO and Washington, as well as the fundamental changes that have recently taken place in key areas of European security.'”
Russia does not want a war with the West, nor to have never-ending nuclear weapon expansion. It wants its genuine security needs to be understood and respected. This offer by Polishchuk could be a step along the road to real peacemaking. But will the fukheads politicians in the collective West accept Polishchuk’s olive branch? I’m not holding my breath.1
RE: RFK JR. Robert Kennedy Jr. said recently he will not run as an Independent if he fails to gain the Democratic nomination for President in 2024.2 This is unfortunate. He is unlikely to be allowed to run on the Democratic ticket because of the threat he represents to party insiders. His foreign policy views, for example, are focused on diplomacy over militarism. He wants to close most overseas American military bases (there are 700 plus!) and slash the Pentagon’s defense budget. He wants to take Big Pharma to task, ending the shady dealings that the sector has with regulatory bodies like the FDA, CDC, NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Fauci’s old money tree stomping grounds.) He'd even pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden! However, Kennedy could kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for Democratic party insiders and legislators with his reform agenda. Party elites and Deep State apparatchiks  will fight tooth and nail to stop him. 
BUT, his staunch support for Israel, a country which has rightly been called an apartheid state for its treatment of the Palestinian people, takes some of the shine off his star, for me. Grayzone editor, Max Blumenthal in conversation with investigative reporter Aaron Maté suggest (at the video’s 107:00-minute mark) that Kennedy should be pushing back against Israel for its human rights abuses, its war-like posture in the region, not to mention it's undeclared stockpile of nukes it keeps under wraps! 
POLITICALLY, it would make more sense for him to challenge Israel, a policy that would be in keeping with his other, pro-peace policies. Aaron suggests the Democratic Party’s base of voters are younger now and more inclined to be critical of Israel. You would think Kennedy would be going after their votes. Both journalists agree that the powerful Israel lobby in the United States has the ear of both parties (Democrats and Republicans) anyway; they don’t really need Kennedy to keep military aid to Israel flowing, something Kennedy, as president, would no doubt ensure, but, then, so would his rivals on both sides of the aisle. (Does his campaign receive significant funding from the pro-Israel lobby? If so, then it's another misstep on his part.) His pro-Israel stance might garner him campaign donations from rich AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) members but, in the end, that may prove to be an albatross around his neck. It's a definite fumble on Kennedy's part, IMHO.
RFK JR. calls himself a “traditional, Kennedy Democrat”, but what he may not entirely see is that the Democratic Party of today is light years away from the party of his forebears. Party leadership will screw him out of any nomination bid like they screwed Bernie Sanders (twice). Still, it’s refreshing to listen to an adult in the room.
RE: Psychopaths
My last post concerned those pathologically ill persons (Narcissists and Psychopaths) and I thought I'd include excerpts from a Catlin Johnstone article where she gives her take on this motley crew abroad in the world today. While we may relax and forget about psychopaths most of the time and stop trying to understand them because doing so makes your brain hurt, you can bet your mother’s milk they haven’t stopped thinking about us and trying to understand what makes us tick.😟As always, Caitlin has helpful commentary on the subject:
The feeling of guilt is useless and can safely be dropped entirely. The only people who might benefit from feeling some guilt are the sociopaths and psychopaths among us who never experience it anyway. For those among us with healthy empathy centers, guilt is unnecessary to motivate good behavior and often becomes a tool that manipulators use to control us.”
Antisocial personality disorder, more commonly known as sociopathy and psychopathy, is one of the greatest obstacles to human thriving. That there really are creatures among us who don’t think or feel like the rest of us do and frequently use their lack of empathy to climb the ladders of wealth and power sounds made up (and even sounds like the basis of many racist belief systems), but it is a fact. Not until our species becomes so emotionally intelligent and awake that sociopaths and psychopaths are unable to thrive in it or go unseen will this problem disappear.”
You can recognize sociopaths, psychopaths, and other narcissists in your life by paying attention to how much energy they pour into convincing you to believe stories about others, about themselves, and especially about you. Someone who often spends energy trying to get you to believe negative things about yourself is someone you should get out of your life as quickly as possible.” (Catlin Johnstone, “Fifteen Useful Facts”. July2/23 blog post.)

Cheers, Jake.
* Russia is not invited, so I don’t see how this is a serious venue for any peace negotiations, especially if Ukraine continues to present unrealistic demands and acts  the spoiler at the event.
+  Scott Ritter, in an interview on the “Garland Nixon” podcast, mentions the Polish-Baltics' unofficial talks at the 50:00 minute of the video. 
    "You stole my PRECIOUS!!!"
A smarmy, though interesting, 2022 Foreign Policy article provides background on the cancelled INF Treaty which
"forbids both sides from developing land-based missiles and launchers that could hit targets between 310 and 3,400 miles away."  By 2018 the United States had deployed the (originally ship-borne) MK-41 anti-missile missile systems in dry land facilities in Romania and soon Poland, with the explanation they were to 'defend' against Iranian missile attacks.🤣 Russia protested, saying they were a violation of the treaty because they could easily be repurposed to fire nuclear payloads thus they should be considered as offensive, tactical weapons. “When we express concern about this, we are told, in effect: ‘Just trust us,’” Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador to the United States, wrote.
ANOTHER interesting, pro-NATO article in a RealClear Defense publication details the installation of the Aegis Ashore land-based anti-missile system in Romania beginning in 2010 (and Poland a few years later.) The article also provides background information on the George Bush administration's decision in 2002 to change its nuclear policy in terms of creating a missile defense system to prevent attacks on European soil. All the while, as the Mk-41 anti-missile systems were first proposed then deployed, Russia argued such a system was “capable of upsetting strategic stability.” 
The United States and NATO ignored Russian concerns, finally walking away from the INF treaty entirely in 2019 (Trump). One consequence of the West's bad faith dealing with respect to its nuclear treaties with Russia was Russia's R&D over the years into hyper-sonic missiles that could by-pass any anti-missile array. Another consequence is the deployment of Russian tactical nuclear missiles in Belarus this year.
TENSIONS ratchet up until something gives.3 Broken treaties are difficult to repair. Let's hope the New Start treaty, the final nuclear arms agreement still standing between the US and Russia, survives its pull-by date of 2026. [Because we might ring in 2027 with a bang! Ed.]
2. Nor, Kennedy says, will he run as a Republican as some wags have suggested. 
3. ONE COMMENTATOR mused that anti-Russian and anti-Putin sentiments in the collective West went into high gear after Russia's 2015 intervention in Syria. Syria's president, Bashar Assad, requested Russia's assistance combating radical jihadist militias, including the Islamic State (IS) who threatened the stability of his government. It should be noted that the CIA was funding these radical terrorists and fanatics at the time,  who, a short while ago, had been sworn enemies of America. Russia's continued intervention in Syria directly challenges American hegemony in the region, drawing a line in the sand, and signaling the declining power of the American empire for all the world to see. Putin did that and the American Deep State HATES him for it.  
AS AN ASIDE, America's animus towards the Russian president may go back even further. Putin came to power in 1999 and has been President or Prime Minister continuously ever since. From the first, he found it logical to think of Russia as a "European" nation; it's history had, until recently, been inextricably linked with the continent. During the 1990s  Russia was in a bad way following the collapse of the USSR in 1989. Its economy was in terrible shape and people were suffering. The population noticeably declined as living standards fell. At the time, Putin welcomed and needed foreign investment, from Europe and America, in particular, to restart the economy.
INTO this mix came Western oligarchs and financial institutions who saw a big "For Sale" sign up in Russia. Local oligarchs and their Western counterparts made billions stripping Russia of its wealth. After a few years of this abuse, Putin put a stop to it. He began to rein-in the wealthy elites, jailing some, banishing others. His policies curbed the worst excesses of both foreign and domestic carpetbaggers, and put Russia on the road to recovery and a secure sovereignty. Western oligarchs HATED him for stopping their fun. Too bad. So sad.


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