Friday 28 July 2023


an interesting Psychology Today article by Steve Taylor, PhD recently about the type of people who are attracted to high political office and the type of governments they form. Not surprisingly (or perhaps it does come as something of a surprise), people with narcissistic personalities are attracted to positions of power. So are psychopaths. Narcissists and psychopaths share several personality traits in common: Both lack empathy for other people, both have an exaggerated sense of self worth and superiority, and they desire power and control over others as a way of demonstrating their superior nature, and to maintain their dominance. Narcissists, Steve explains, differ from psychopaths in that they also want adulation and fawning respect from others, and their tendency towards autocratic or dictatorial rule may be tempered or softened by their overweening need to have others ‘love’ them. [Trump, Trudeau anyone? Ed.] Psychopaths, on the other hand, have no such need for public recognition or love. Like narcissists, they lack empathy towards others, feel superior to them in every way, and seek power and dominance at any cost, it's just that narcissists in positions of power tend to want to put a smile face on things. 
POLISH psychologist Andrew Lobaczewski called societies such individuals create “pathocracies”, ones that are ruled by the pathologically ill. Having lived in Poland under the Nazis during WWII and in the decades following the war under communism, he experienced first-hand what life is like under such regimes. Taking a broader perspective, he pondered why it was that throughout human history war, strife, cruelty and conflict—what the historian Arnold Toynbee called the "horrifying sense of sin manifest in human affairs,”—always seemed to be present. In his book, “Political Ponerology", which is a study* of such societies, LOBACZEWSKI examines the founders and supporters of oppressive regimes, and “the common factors that lead to the propagation of man’s inhumanity to man [where] morality and humanism cannot long withstand the predations of this evil.”
Simply put, he wanted to understand why evil people succeeded, and yet so many good and moral people seemed to fall behind. The answer is that people who are ruthless and ambitious, and devoid of empathy have an advantage over people who have higher levels of empathy and compassion and, in addition, typically shun positions of power, choosing to develop communal relationships instead, thus leaving those positions of power ripe for the taking by pathologically ill persons. Of course, not every holder of power in politics, in business, academia, the media, prisons/institutions etc., has a psychopathy, but these are the breeding grounds where a greater percentage than the average are found.
ARGUABLY, "pathocracies", when they form, have been the bane of their citizens throughout recorded history. 
Ironically, it is the modern age that might be the most favourable for those narcissists and psychopaths among us. During the ages of feudalism and monarchical rule, natural-born psychopaths would have found it challenging to rise into positions of power because societies were highly stratified (feudal) or they were ones that transferred power via a royal lineage (i.e., hereditary succession). Still there were plenty of psychopathic Machiavellis and powers behind the throne to go around.  But it is modern democracies with their greater range of personal freedoms, voting rights, avenues for advancement, exploitable laws etc., that offer narcissists and psychopaths greater access to the reins of power. American foreign policy framers and high State Department officials surely are symptomatic of such a pathology, one that is poisoning American democracy? [And Wall Street?! Don’t get him started! Ed.]
OF COURSE, once in power, such pathologically ill people will do everything in their power to eliminate, damage, or neuter the very institutions and people they controlled and manipulated while obtaining their positions. Democracies that are open and participatory for all citizens in a fair and transparent manner are anathema to psychopaths and narcissists because they threaten their hold on power. Such people are found at all strata of society. More men than women tend to develop psychopathy and around 1% of the adult population is estimated to have the disorder to some degree, which means that roughly 1 in 100 people you meet is a psychopath. Heads up!
Professor Taylor, in his PT article, suggests one way to maintain the health of society (or university, business, or whatever) is to ensure democratic structures and processes remain secure and vibrant, and to become familiar with the signs and symptoms of the pathologically ill, so you won’t be conned by their false charm and harmful manipulations. He argues for the creation of a board of examiners who would assess contenders’ fitness for political office, weeding out the ones who have psychopathic tendencies, thus protecting society from their despotic impulses. Hmmm? I’ll put a pin in that and circle back later.
FOLKS, if we as a collective cannot decide how to build a fair and equitable society based on mutual respect and compassion, then maybe we will need to revisit Steve’s proposal. And not to be too hard on him,  I still think there must be a better way to go about things. Think for a moment: An unelected, anonymous psychiatric cabal body deciding who can and cannot be admitted to the ranks of leadership in society—what could go wrong? (Perhaps Steve should take the test, to play it safe. Just sayin’.)
Cheers, Jake.
* “Ponerology” is derived from the Greek word poneros, from the branch of theology dealing with the study of evil.
AND how do you protect yourself when you encounter a psychopath, remembering that one in a hundred of the people you meet are potentially psychopathic?  In a lecture given by Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, he suggests that the only way to truly combat a psychopath’s abuse (which he calls “malevolence”) is to activate your “inner psychopath”, to accept that part of you--a small part, but it’s there--is exactly like the full-fledged psychopath confronting you, and that you are, indeed, capable of malice and greed, and malevolence just as they are.
Except yours can be held in check, examined, channeled in productive ways, and from a greater awareness about your own potential towards psychopathy, you can better understand the forces that shape and drive the illness, and recognize the coercions, the tricks and lies, the scams and shams, the violence and the need to destroy and dominate that are exhibited by the psychopath, and how you might better defend yourself from them.

“In life, you need to be able to withstand tragedy and to withstand malevolence...And the worst snake of all is malevolence.”

“By definition, if someone psychopathic has exploited you, you are too naïve. If you say, well that’s no fault of mine how could I be prepared? Fair enough…[it’s] a perfectly reasonable objection, but it doesn’t solve your problem. Because it’s an internal problem…”

“Without the potential [in yourself] for mayhem, you’re a potential victim of mayhem.” (Peterson, 2017)


Tuesday 25 July 2023


CONCERNING the strange case of Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, former head of the Russian private militia group Wagner that saw action in Ukraine's Donbass region, and who ran afoul of Russia's president Vladimir Putin when he staged a "coup" attempt near the end of June this year, seems still to be alive and well, and traveling regularly between St. Petersburg and Belarus. Originally, he and those Wagner troops who'd accompanied him on his bizarre "March for Freedom" road trip to Moscow to demand the sacking of the army chief of staff and defense minister (who he claimed were providing insufficient support for his fighters in Ukraine) were given the option to join the regular Russian army, go to Belarus to help train troops, or go home.
There are a number of Wagner troops in Belarus currently and Prigozhin has apparently visited them. Both Wagner and Prigozhin remain popular in Russia, as many see the group and their leader as patriotic defenders of the nation, which may explain Putin’s handling the insurrection with kid gloves.
It's interesting to note that on June 29, Putin met personally with Wagner commanders and Prigozhin to discuss their concerns and outline the future roles they will play as part of Russia’s defense forces.
SOME commentators view Putin’s low-key handling of the “coup”* attempt as a sign of weakness and his inability to control various factions within Russia’s political and military establishments. But the fact that he nipped in the bud a potential confrontation on Russian soil between Wagner forces and the regular military, neutralized the private militia as cohesive fighting unit, while still acknowledging their role in the Ukraine conflict (something that would play well with the Russian public), suggests instead a leader who is in control and one who has a great deal of public support.
Re: NUKES. Russia has now installed tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) in Belarus. (Installed. Not transferred. Russia retains command/control over the missiles.) “Tactical” nukes are ‘smaller’ than strategic nuclear weapons and designed to be used in battlefield conditions. Size is relative because some come with a payload two to three times (or more) the destructive force of the 1945 Hiroshima bomb! Definite buzz kills. They can be launched from sea vessels, land and airplanes. When Ukraine began using British-supplied depleted uranium munitions into the conflict, Russia upped the ante by green-lighting the deployment of TNWs in neighboring Belarus. 
It’s an unnerving escalation during a time when things can quickly go pear-shaped  if somebody decides to do something really stupid.
Re: Cluster bombs. Russia and Ukraine, along with the United States, China, India and a number of other countries have not signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CM) which prohibits the stockpiling or use of these types of weapons. Russia may have used such munitions during the early stages of the war. And when the United States supplied Ukraine with CMs last month (because it was running low on 155mm artillery shells), Russia stated it would respond in kind. And so it goes.
Re: Offenses.
 Ukraine’s much-touted “counter-offensive” which began several weeks ago, has more or less fizzled out, with little gains and the usual, horrific levels of casualties and destruction we’ve unfortunately come to expect. AND there is evidence that it's Russia’s turn to go on the offensive. In the NW border region of Ukraine, in the Kharkiv area, Russian troops are advancing in large numbers. This is the area bordering Russia where Ukraine previously launched both drone attacks and raids on villages in the Belgorod Oblast inside Russia. The plan, I guess, is to push the Ukrainians further from the Russian border to stop the attacks. Time will tell how much further back Ukraine will have to go. In a recent blog post, James Howard Kunstler says it like only he can:
“The Ukraine operation is not proceeding according to plan. Do you know why? Answer: because it was a stupid plan concocted by purblind Neocon idiots. Russia has been insulted to the degree that it deems America unworthy of negotiation — meaning Russia will bring the Ukraine mess to a conclusion on its terms. They will take care to do it gingerly, so as not to further inflame the psychosis afflicting America and tempt us into even grosser stupidities. Namely, they will insist on a neutral Ukraine with no foreign operators in it and some rearrangement of Ukraine’s borders. America will have to lump it. The Blob Neocon faction will blame the whole lamentable affair on “Joe Biden,” who, by then, will be gone from the White House.” (Kunstler)
And not to leave out Ronald Regan who, in 1985, declared: “A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”
Words to live by.
Cheers, Jake
* Was it a real coup attempt ? Or was it grandstanding on the billionaire's part? (Though it must be said that several Wagner and regular Russian army troops were killed during the event.)
1. "The weapons were first transferred to the United Kingdom in 1954, and later to Germany, Italy, France, Turkey, the Netherlands, Greece, and Belgium. Today, U.S. tactical nuclear weapons remain at six bases in five NATO member countries, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey."
[UPDATE: UPDATE: In recent weeks, President Putin has sacked or transferred several top generals, giving credence to the theory that the Prigozhin mutiny at the end of June may have been used by Putin to suss out those commanders who weren't 100% behind his decisions vis-à-vis  the war in Ukraine. American Colonel Douglas Macgregor (retired) suggests that the firings are signs of a healthy military command, one where soldiers are held accountable for their actions. He suggests that, possibly, the commanders let go may have wanted to be more aggressive in the special military operation in Ukraine, with Putin acting as a voice for restraint.]  (A SONG TO REMIND US WE HAVE FEET MADE OF CLAY.)