Wednesday 15 February 2023


I WAS READING news and viewing vids the other day and realized there was a story that is being under-reported—virtually ignored—in MSM outlets. It’s the one written by Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, and it concerns the destruction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline in September of last year. Last week, Hersh, who is 85, published on his Substack* column the results of his investigations into the ‘mysterious’ bombing. Almost as important as Hersh’s findings is the resounding silence that abounds around most major news outlets in terms of coverage or commentary about his article. It's mostly crickets out there. One reviewer of the exposé states:
“This article, which has been met with total silence in the major US publications, has blown apart the entire narrative of US involvement in the war as a response to “unprovoked Russian aggression.” It lifts the lid on far-reaching plans to use the escalating conflict with Russia to solidify US economic and military domination over Europe… Planning for the attack began in December 2021, months before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.” (Andre Damon,WSW)
HERSH’S INVESTIGATION ADDS FLESH TO THE BONES of the official narrative that the destruction was indeed the result of sabotage and  that likely it was done by a major Western power, though which one “cannot be identified”.+ Investigations after the explosion by Denmark, Sweden and Germany concluded that a bomb was the cause of the gas line rupture, and that it was done by some group or government with the resources necessary to accomplish the technically challenging task of engineering an underwater detonation. Initially, Western governments, especially the U.S. and Britain, claimed it was Russia that blew up pipeline! This absurd trope was repeated time and again in MSM publications, in the weeks after the bombing and as recently as last week, for example.
HERSH CLAIMS  it WAS THE UNITED STATES that blew up the pipeline, helped by its erstwhile toady ally, Norway. Through various sources, the veteran reporter provides a detailed account of how and who and when and why the gas pipeline between Russia and Germany was blown up. The damaged section lay off the coast of Bornholm, a Danish island in the Baltic Sea, at a depth of one-hundred and ten metres. SOME revelations came as no surprise, but there were some pieces of the puzzle Hersh provides that were surprising:

that the Americans planned the Nord Stream sabotage and carried out the actual planting of the explosive devices. (No surprise there.) What I found interesting was the fact that the plot was first hatched in the White House. This was not a rogue element hidden within the bowels of some unnamed, ‘alphabet’ agency, but in fact was the brainchild of four key government officials1 including Joe Biden, himself. The players in this sordid affair, along with their President, were:  Jake Sullivan, (Biden’s National Security Advisor), Anthony Blinken (U.S. Secretary of State) and Victoria Nuland (Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs)2. THESE FOUR INDIVIDUALS concocted and crafted a plan to sever Russia’s ties with Germany and Europe, first through sanctions to slow the Nord Stream pipeline’s development, then bombing it when it became apparent sanctions wouldn’t be enough to stop the gas from flowing.
IT WAS SURPRISING to learn that planning for this operation began in earnest in December of 2021, two months before the Russian invasion. We recall the back and forth that occurred between the German government and White House over bringing the Nord Stream-2 pipeline online, prior to this time. Intense political pressure was put on the Scholz administration to cancel the pipeline and stop Russian gas flowing into Europe. Germany, it should be remembered, was heavily invested in the Nord Stream project along with a number of other European countries. Cancelling or tying up the inaugural flow of Russian gas hurt them financially. IN OTHER WORDS, stopping Nord Stream-2 never came about as a response to Putin’s invasion; actions to stop the pipeline occurred well before any hint of Russian military buildup.  Point is: There were other reasons for stopping it. 
of the sabotage was developed  and done in secret, and with the express purpose of keeping congressional oversight committees in the dark.
"There was a vital bureaucratic reason for relying on the graduates of the center’s hardcore diving school in Panama City. The divers were Navy only, and not members of America’s Special Operations Command, whose covert operations must be reported to Congress….” (Hersh)
scuba divers who were recent graduates of a Florida Naval training facility, the plotters could act in secret and not be required to report their activities to Congress. Technically, they needed to inform the appropriate members of congressional oversight committees if the operation was to use so-called “Special Forces” personnel. Their frogmen were regular members of the U.S. Navy. Thus, by a bureaucratic manoeuvre, the operation could remain hidden.  This careful cloaking and crafting their activities to avoid congressional scrutiny speaks to how serious an illegality they were undertaking. 
Perp Pics: Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan
both Nuland and Biden hinted at the plot in public statements they made prior to Russia’s February, 2022 invasion. The fact that they couldn’t contain themselves, that they all but bragged about what they were going to do, suggests a level hubris on a nearly imperial level!
HAD earlier threatened to end the Nord Stream as  Russia massed its troops along the Ukraine border, we need to remember that the plot was hatched months before any Russian aggression against its neighbour. Again, there were other reasons for the pipeline’s destruction besides penalizing Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.  Those reasons include a tasty treat for America’s client-state, Norway, when their newly-constructed “Baltic Pipe” would go into operation on September 27, 2022, one day after the Nord Stream explosion. (Coincidence? GMAB!) Norwegian gas flows to Europe now make a pretty penny for the Scandinavian country that no longer has to compete with Russian fossil fuels. In addition, Hersh adds, a new American submarine base in Norway was opened. Thus, NATO-member Norway receives additional bribe money for hosting the base. All they had to do was one little favour for the U.S, namely detonate the Nord Stream bomb when ol' Joe gave the green light. ("Hey Norway! I got a little job for ya. Want to make a pile of simoleons? You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours...")
HERSH'S INVESTIGATIONS brought to light Norway’s role in the bombing: They air-dropped a buoy containing electronic equipment to trigger the explosion when Biden and company gave the okay. U. S. divers (those new grads from the Navy’s Florida school, you’ll recall) planted the explosives in June during NATO’s BALTOPS marine exercises in the Baltic Sea. Norway triggered the bomb in September so as not to link the NATO exercises with the explosion, otherwise some sharp-eyed investigative reporter might have begun asking embarrassing questions. Detonating the bomb in June would have been too obvious a “tell”, not like, for example, when you open your new pipeline the day after your main rival's old one blows up. Nothing to see here, folks. Move on!
"O, we few, we happy few, we band of brothers!" We know! The biggest "tell" for us is the fact that no proof was forthcoming from the joint investigation conducted by Sweden, Denmark and Germany  that demonstrated Russian culpability. None. Nada. Nyet. If there had been proof, you know they would be shouting it from the rooftops. The investigators silence and their refusal to make public their findings stinks of a cover-up. So, when in doubt, dear reader, follow the money. Cui bono. ("Who benefits") Sigh. We all know who benefits. 
ANOTHER "tell" is the fact that the principals named in Hersh's piece have not made public denials of their involvement. Only low level spokespersons, whose job it is to obfuscate or otherwise massage the truth, have issued denials. Why haven't members from the 'Gang of Four' and the director of the CIA personally gone on record to officially deny their involvement? What are they afraid of? More questions perhaps?
that the Nord Stream pipelines have always been an irritant for the American “Deep State” and neoconservatives3 who infest the hallowed halls of power in our neighbour to the south. The pipelines raised their ire with the construction of Nord Stream-1 in 2010, because a functioning pipeline between Russia and Germany4, with Russian gas also flowing throughout Europe, lessens American influence in the continent, something anathema for American elites. More commercial ties between the EU and Russia, means less cooperation between the member states (particularly Germany) and America as it pursues its geopolitical goals around Russia. The bomb was meant to draw a line under it. It was a statement: Germany and Europe are American. Period.
AS A RESULT of the pipeline's destruction: Norway benefits from a 10% increase in gas exports to Europe, making it the continent’s largest single supplier. Poland benefits from the bombing of Nord Stream through transit fees levied on Norwegian gas passing through pipeline networks sited in Poland. Ukraine’s own natural gas exports, though small, now have no competition from Nord Stream. And the United States now has a market in energy-dependant Europe for its very expensive liquefied natural gas stocks it just happens to have available. Win-win-win, I'd say! MY POINT is that the Nord Stream  had enemies, the most powerful of which was the United States.
IT IS PROBABLY A SAFE BET that other European countries or politicians knew beforehand of the planned bombing. For example, the Green Party Foreign Minister of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, was an ardent anti-pipeliner for environmental reasons. Did she know? Was she informed by her Washington counterparts? And did British Prime Minister-for-a-Day, Liz Truss have advanced knowledge of the bombing? Her strange “It’s done” text message to American Sec. of State Blinken, immediately following the blast, begs the question of British complicity in the caper. Were there others who knew besides Norway? I find it hard to believe that Sweden, Denmark and Finland were kept in the dark over this, but we'll have to wait for further investigations. 
IT IS REFRESHING to learn there has been, of late, more discussion in Germany around German-Russian relations, energy security, and the humiliation of being cajoled and arm-twisted by its so-called allies into adopting harsher anti-Russian policies. One German parliamentarian asks for a discussion in the Bundestag in the wake of the Hersh revelations:
“In Germany, which jointly funded the construction of the Nord Stream pipelines, members of the AfD party demanded a discussion on the [Hersh] article and its claims in the country’s parliament on Friday. ‘The Bundestag has a right to know what the federal government knows,’ said the party’s official Twitter account, citing parliamentary group leader Tino Chrupalla.” (Counter Currents)
MEANWHILE, the cabal of neocons-in-the-know  in Washington, were ecstatic over their successful act of war action, as revealed in Blinken’s “opportunity” comments made the day after the September 26 blast. And later, there was Victoria Nuland's self-congratulatory, ‘cat's-got-the-cream’ comment  made last month during a Senate hearing. Her words speak for themselves:
"I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream-2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea."
I’M SURE Prez Biden, a neocon in all but name, was well-informed of the progress of the caper by his National Security Advisor and co-conspirator, Jake “The Snake” Sullivan who would, no doubt, wake the Commander-in-Chief from his noon-time nap with regular updates. ACCORDING TO HERSH, Biden, who was in charge of all things Ukraine when he was VP during the Obama presidency, played a key role in devising the bomb plan, as well as giving it the green light. That's good, isn't it? That our leaders can operate so well in the dark, I mean—efficiently, effectively, without oversight or having to stay within the guardrails of messy, democratic laws and institutions. Who needs cooperation when you can start a conspiracy? It’s double-plus-good all round. But, at the same time, it's double-plus-ungood because our leaders are a bunch of knaves, ne’er-do-wells and grifters!  Just sayin’.
THE HERSH EXPOSÉ reveals how a small group of elected and unelected officials can circumvent the law and act with impunity, crafting one “black-ops” operation after another. The destruction of billions of dollars of another nation’s critical infrastructure would, in normal times, be considered  a declaration of war. 
But, I would be surprised if any of the major players or their familiars are held to account for their actions. Like the Ukraine War, which may be entering its final phase as Russia prepares its spring offensive, the Nord Stream bombing will probably be memory-holded and forgotten as Washington shifts its focus to Taiwan and China. There is some hope, however, if journalists like Seymour Hersh continue to be able to speak truth to power. It will be better still if they and we can speak power to power, and challenge political elites directly. That's what you're supposed to do in a democracy. Isn't it? Not just put up and shut up.

Cheers, Jake.   
* SUBSTACK is a web hosting service that allows writers to publish material free from editorial oversight and control. It has a subscription-based financing whereby readers pay an annual fee, with Substack receiving a percentage and the balance going to support the independent journalists in its roster.  Hersh’s column can be accessed via the “Free Subscription” option, though, of course, supporting independent journalism with paid subscriptions provides a source of income for writers to continue publishing their work. Such formats allow alternative voices to be heard amid the dribbling dross that is the senile shit-storm of main-stream news.
+ THE FINDINGS of the three-country inquiry  were not made public because there were “fears of sharing sensitive information related to national security.” (BBC, 18/10/22) In other words, the investigators are attempting to “memory-hole” the incident and obfuscate the facts. In the days and weeks following the explosion, their aim, along with most MSM news outlets,  was to shift blame onto Russia in a logic-pretzel of mendacious mindfukery: 
They tried, in vain, to make the case that Russia blew up its own eleven-billion dollar pipeline! The illogic of this claim, its fundamental absurdity, is astounding! I guess turning the taps off would be too difficult in the event the Russians wanted to stop natural gas flows to Europe. Give me a break! We all know who did it!
1. THESE HIGH RANKING administration officials, along with a small coterie of loyal staff, put their plan into operation. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the veiled threats made by Nuland and Biden at the time, the  CIA was called in to coordinate logistics and communications with Norwegian authorities:
“The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert. Everyone involved understood the stakes. ‘This is not kiddie stuff,’ the source said. If the attack were traceable to the United States, ‘It’s an act of war.’” (Hersh)
2. Ms. Nuland, it will be remembered has long been the ‘Ukraine-whisperer’ for various cabals of neo-cons within American political elite. She was the Assistant Secretary of State during the Trump presidency and famously had her phone tapped where her conversation with the American ambassador to Ukraine was recorded. “Fuck the EU” was her response to the European Union and its apparent tardiness in confronting Russia. The 2013-14 Maidan coup, which she helped organize, ousted the democratically-elected Ukrainian President (who was corrupt, but aren’t they all?) He had the unfortunate character flaw of desiring friendlier relations with Russia. This was deemed unacceptable by Ukraine-expert Nuland, who lobbied then-U.S. President Obama, for the go-ahead to  coup the place. Protests, violence, colour revolutions and regime change followed. All the usual folderol of empire, these days.
AMID the protests against the removal by force of President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia, snap elections were held to install a pro-EU puppet-pick. “Yats is our guy,” Nuland proclaimed in the infamous phone call. In 2014, “Yats” was Arseny Yatsenyuk, who formed the Ukraine government as Prime Minister. He was strong EU supporter and compliant American puppet. The lady is quite the operator! BTW, she’s married to Robert Kagan who is arguably the intellectual fountainhead of American neoconservatism. Ain’t love grand!
3. Alexander Mecouris, in a recent YouTube podcast, gave an excellent definition of neoconservatism:
“Neocons are not conservatives, not in any true sense. They are radical, a radical, revolutionary movement which wants to involve the United States in a program of exporting their concepts of revolution right around the world. They are not conservatives—they are the opposite of conservatives. (At the 4:36 minute mark.)
4. EUROPE received 45% of its natural gas from Russia before the conflict, with Germany the largest consumer.
He nuzzles my ear; 
he's so close! 
His aftershave,
his manly smell.
I feel vulnerable
& delicate!
All I can think: 
Viva La France! 
What happens in Paris
Stays in Paris.
(Diary: 8/2/22)

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