Wednesday 11 September 2019


I won’t pretend, now, 
to know where they’ll wend,
such silly dadoos burbling there.
They’ll spill where they will,
but given time’s bill,
they might not do well as they wear. 

And lines drawn along 
to the right, or wrong—
will rub themselves out in the end,
save those there in stone,
that stand all alone,
the ones we can never amend. 

So, before sunset’s glow, 
often we'll go:
"Best Wishes!" 
and other such spells.
But in time that's left,
it's best that we let
all those things we'd pass on, save tell.


Sorry about “Potted”. They can’t all be winners. I thought I would add a few doodles to break up the words again. I’m not a very good drawer, but if any of you out there find any of these amusing, that's good enough for me.
PETS!—Make sure the next time you go to the pet store to pick a Fido or whatever, that it doesn’t have GMO stamped on it. Or it’s one of those Chernobyl glow-in-the-dark rescue-dog thingies. Choose your pets wisely, or they might chewze you!
YIN GOT YANGED—This is what happens when we let our lives get out of whack, when we fail to maintain our equilibrium, our balance, our happy median. So, don’t forget to wash behind your ears and to tie your shoelaces, Billy! [Editor's Note: If the image is unclear, d/t the fact that the drawer can't draw, it is supposed to be a melting yin/yang symbol.☯]
TAKE YOUR PILLS! This is part of a doodle that died on the doodle pad. But I thought the poor guy looked like he had to take what was coming to him. And don't we all feel that way at various times in our lives?
STUDENT—Why this reminds me of a student studying at their desk, I have no idea. Just go with it, or else let it remind you of something completely different. That goes for the rest of the doodles, as well. What they seem to be for me is just me, not you. As one artist whose drawings I admire says (or words to the effect): "They're only lines on a page."
THIRD, WISED MAN—Wise Man #3 is a bit late for the party. The other two have gone ahead. He'd better get a move on or the legend is toast! (Two Wise Men sounds more like an argument.)
OOPSIE INTO SPACE—This doodle suggests that we’re a little too hasty to leave planet earth, what with billionaires in space and a new space race looming. The Donald has just created a “Space Command” whatever that entails--Buck Rogers, here we come! A moon base someday? A base on Mars!?! Yah! Hoo! Maybe Elon Musk will get his wish to plant trees on the Red Planet? Who the fuck knows? I think we'll have more important things to attend to down here in the coming decades. The doodle reminds me that the astronauts might have forgotten to bring a space ship along with them on their journey to the stars, or else some things have 'sploded up there, or their baggage got lost along the way, or something. They seem a bit discombobulated....
REWILDING THE AMAZON—This reminds me of ‘inroads’ nature might someday make into all the messes we've made. The recent, obscene burning of vast tracts of Amazonian forest lands so that soybean crops can be GMO-grown or beef cattle grazed for McBurgers is something that many are looking at these days with slack-jawed disbelief. And it is a further tug on the badly stretched elastic band that will eventually snap back and give us quite the surprise in the not so distant future.  
REWILDED—It reminds me of a marshy landscape of some sort. Primordial. I had thought of it as place where the long, long process of laying down beds of coal might begin—in marshlands where, over eons and through the geological processes of pressure and heat, those of the very far future might once again use a fossil fuel to light burners to give them heat and light in the chill nights to come. I guess we haven’t run out  of old man coal yet, but we’re running out of something more important—time.
AFTER THE JAZZ PARTY—After I finished this one, the martini glass (sort of) in the foreground looked like part of the remains from a colossal party. And what better kind than a jazz party! I must have been channelling John Coltrane, which is a VERY cool thing to do. A love, supreme!
THE GARDEN OF ED—Well, all I’ve got to say about this puppy is--GMO! You get what you grow! Or Sow. Reaping is weeping, sometimes....
FLOWER POWER—Maybe that’s all it takes—planting some seeds. And if we plant enough of them, we may be able to smell the roses some day.



Yin Got Yanged!

Take Your Pills!

Third, Wised Man

Oopsie Into Space

Rewilding the Amazon


After the Jazz Party!

The Garden of Ed

Flower Power!

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