Tuesday 30 July 2019


A Change of Perspective


Everyone's Greatest Fear

Strange Days

Walk Softly

Floatsom, Meet Jetsom #2


A Question on Sunrise

Man In the Tree
I HAD A DOODLEGASM TODAY and instead of smoking afterwards, I decided to share a few pics and cartoons that I’m sure everyone is just dying to view. At least this breaks up the words. What can I say?

A CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVE: I suppose we all could have the same perspective if we were all on the same page or the same plain and if we had no depth perception. Problems arise when we have a variety of perspectives—how do we get along? We don't seem to be able to see eye-to-eye with each other often. Maybe mono-vision is a good thing. Maybe we should all stick a fork in our eye? Dunno….

C-CONFUSED is just confused. We all get that way. Some of us are confused all of our lives. But that's not to be confused with s-stupid. He lives next door….

EVERYONE’S GREATEST FEAR: Ever since humans first invented pipes, there were EGFs. WMDs are nothing compared to the dark, primordial fear we homo sapiens feel when we look down into the narrow abyss of our plumbing. We know that what goes down there will someday, somewhere, somehow come back up. The question is whether we'll recognize it for what it is—however much changed….

STRANGE DAYS: No matter what kind of day it is, there is always the contrast between inside and outside. No matter the weather, the time, the place, the space, whether we are alone or with others, we are always outside. Yet we see ourselves as interior beings, with this interiority the be-all-and-the-end-all of things. We see ourselves like we were armored robots or something, tromping through the countryside, ever on the move, in total control of our lives. But all that's around us also moves through us, and is really more like a giant swirly—more like tides and waves enveloping, supporting, challenging and changing us. So my little guy who is peeking out from inside his bunker needs to get out more and get a life….

WALK SOFTLY: Somewhere in the dark, there's always a big man with a stick. We can't see him coming. Or going. But in the light, when we are more sure of our own footsteps, we can take measures to avoid him. Also in the light, big men with sticks generally aren't as big as we first thought....

IMMIGRATION: Moving to a strange place can be an incredibly isolating experience. We all  move, transform, grow, expand, shrink. Borders are just edges we decide are there. They're not really anywhere....

 A QUESTION ON SUNRISE: We can either greet each day or retreat from it. The day doesn't really care what we think or do. Nevertheless, it's up to us to be polite and say hello each morning....

MAN IN THE TREE: Cummon. Haven't you ever want to curl up around all that heartwood? It's good for you. It just takes a little practice....


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