Monday 9 September 2024


PIC IS OF Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, outside his underground bunker earlier this month. The president is quoted as saying:
“My compatriots, tonight I smell Putin’s fear, taste his sour breath. His is the rank, graveyard reek of decomposing bodies. He has the stink of a dead-man walking, a zombie. Though the coward is far from the front lines of our war, still his fears waft over his cowering troops like a miasma of doom. His is the stench of failure and defeat. I inhale him and then expel him from me into the deepening night. 
But beyond the petty dictator’s decrepit odour, I can smell the scent of freedom. It comes from America. It is in the crisp winds of democracy, oxygenated by the money and weapons they send our way. It is in the crisp dollar bill smell of newly printed cash. It's in the hot-steel tang of bombs and missiles arriving daily—these are the enduring smells I inhale, that sustain me and keep alive our war with the Slavic invader from the north. 
Breathe with me my brothers and sisters! Inhale your future! Long live Ukraine. Long live the United States and NATO! Smell our victory at last!”
Cheers, Jake.😜

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