Monday 1 January 2024


SNAP taken during President Zelensky’s (last?) trip to the United States, 12 December, last year. His star is fading, especially as the American president turns his attention to the Middle East. They both look like they want to get away from each other ASAP….
Z: “But Opa, it’s only two-hundred million dollars!”
B: “Don’t call me that…”
Z: “Sir, Mister President, is this it? Is this all…”
B: “All? All be damned, boy! Don’t you understand English? Don’t you savvy, son? Can’t you read the writing on the wall?”
Z: “But, what wall is this, Mister President? I don’t understand what you mean.”
[An interpreter whispers to the Ukrainian President.]
Z: “But, but…”
B: “But-but, yourself! Cum on, Man! Can’t you see I’m doing you a favour? My poll numbers suck. I can’t keep dishing out dough to you when I’ve got to pony up to Israel. Those bastards in congress won’t give me plugged dime, so what can I do? That’s all she wrote. I had to call in a lot of favours to get that much. If you don’t want it, I’ll take it.”
Z: “Without more money, Putin will win!”
B: “Putin’s a dictator. He’s a pansy. He dresses up in girl’s clothes. Just keep moving…you know, forward. You've gotta keep moving, Hunter, or you'll lose your legs. Then you start tripping all over the place, and [Inaudible] So, cum on, Vladsmear, you’re nearly there!”
Z: “What can I do with this? It’s a joke…”
B: “Do I look like I’m smiling? I can’t remember the last time I tried. You have to fly light to fly right as my dad would tell me. He was the most decorated fighter pilot in World War One. He shot that fucking kraut ace Red something right out of the sky! He...Hey, don’t you ever wear a suit? Don’t they sell them where you're from? Look snappy, CornPop, they want to take our picture. Smile for the birdies! Hah-hah! Hey you, Jack! Are there any cheese-doodles left? Jake?..Jack? Attaboy! Yum!”
Cheers, Jake.

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