Friday 25 March 2022


Soon will come to pass      
the beating heart
and small footprints in the sand.
Such a welcoming start
to the day’s long journey.
Where once, by shores,
were changes and words—
ones meant, and ones meant
to rearrange. Just how,
oh, who can say?
For each breath spins
each word’s story. 
And each word's weave
tells how each began
and how they may yet end.
But first (and last)
comes the pulse,
again and again, 
that tells the heart 
the story of the coursing 
of its blood, and of its heat,
and of its start.
What was it That Spaceman once told us?
“One Small Step,” seemed almost Religious.
Soon we’d be Expat-Indigenous!
But we’d have to stow Away our lives.
Those Letters we wrote Begged Forgiveness.
They were Meant for those who’d Outlive us.
But our Children all want to Shiv us!
You can Hear Them sharpening their Knives.
News stories these days just Confuse us.
Those typhoons at sea Still Amuse us.
And headlines All want to Excuse us—
Who said Writing on Walls would be fair?
Those Raiders in Mali Include Us.
By God! They’ll no longer Exclude Us.
Along pipelines we will Extrude Us,
Until we’re Flowing out Everywhere!
That Syria’s still Searing our Brain.
We keep watching it Circling the Drain.
Though we Scrub and we Scrub at the Stain,
it’s so Hard to keep Everything White.
We Pretend that we Know What to Do,
That we’re Smarter than average, Boo-Boo.
But when the Foot doesn’t fit the Shoe—
Cinderella will have a Bad Night.
Now, these Boomers all cry "Doom and Gloom!"
While their Fat Children drive by, Zoom-Zoom!
Their architects still Build them Glass Tombs.
It’s past Time we start Throwing some Stones.
They now Tell us our Pie will be Crumbs.
That We'll Need to keep Sucking our Thumbs,
while we March to the Tune of their Drums
That they keep Pounding with Sticks and Bones.
Baking Bread is much Better than Land.
And Our Crops, they'll grow Better by Hand.
But kid’s Castles are Still made of Sand,
And those Waves will crash Over Their Heads.
Do we stand Round just to Bake and Shake?
Do we “Stand By” for that final quake?
It’s the One with that bloody Great Stake,
Meant to keep Us Living from the Dead.
I can't still be
(Yet disagree)
With all that you
Had come to see.
"A Sleeping Giant
Can be a Feast
For a Single Spider."
Wizards winnow grainy Truths
From Impatient Husks.
Their Wisdom is Served
Like Potage for our Meals.
CODE #1: “SYSTEM STILL ON” Once started,
we never completely shut down..
CODE #2: “PRESS NEXT” Once your task is completed,
another one pops up. Always.
CODE #3: “REBOOT” You kicked us once too often.
CODE #4: 1, 2 and 3 are easy to fix—
This one’s “BOSS LEVEL!”
CODE #5: “REINSTALL”—Don’t Leave Us hanging!
CODE #6:  When “EMPTY” light is on,
it’s Time for a Change. Select LIFE to finish.
CODE #7: “HATCH OPEN” Press EXIT to Close.
Well? What are you waiting for?
Don’t know “WHEN?”
or “WHERE?”
Can’t ask “WHY?”
Let alone “WHO?”
And there’s always “WHAT?”
That’s forever in question.
“HOW” is easier.
(Actions are easier
to describe.)
And so:
A knife twists
In a mother’s belly
While lips are frozen
In formal negotiations.
Later, a school bell rings
After the grenade explodes,
And water pools in tire tracks
Along a mud road leaving town.
(Cause and effect rolled into one.)
More examples? Well,
The Bullet casing Lands on
The Concrete Floor with a Musical
Pinging Worthy of Hollywood! Another
Sound? How about the Snapping of a Leg bone
Under Boots? It’s satisfying because of the Contact
With the Ground. Or the tell-tale whistling Of an incoming
Mortar round? (Air songs from a gunpowder choir—Beautiful
In the Arc.)
Want More? Well, there’s News at Eleven!
Don’t forget to See: “BLOATED BODIES IN RIVER”  
Online, with photos of “Scorched Linens on Clothesline”,
And that “BURNING TIRE AROUND NECK” Op-ed that follows.
Meanwhile, hungry Dogs chew on Bones. And along a Roadside ditch
Dust blows softly over some Bloody Stones. And Somewhere is the Sound 
Of One Child (Crying.)
So what happens at the end of things?
Do we all go whoosh and Collapse to a Point?
(A neat Construct, that; we Came from a point
and we Leave by one.)
Or does Something Else happen?
Does the Irresistible Force meet
the Unmovable Object?
Like in the comics, when the two
Supermans collided that one time,
and Wham! Bam-O! Pop! goes the Universe!
Or on Star Trek when the Anti-Matter Guy
meets the Matter Guy and everything
cancels itself out (including The Show).
Actually, I’m Misremembering:
The Universe didn’t go POP! Or collapse to a Point.
Or Cancel itself out.
Superman Won the day. So did Captain Kirk.
Perhaps we’ll Boil Away inside the
sun when it finally decides To Go Nova.
Or will we have Moved On by then
to some Darker, Colder end?
I saw a Movie once where Everyone was
dying from the Heat. The Earth had spun out
of its Orbit and was Falling into the Sun.
It was Terrible. No one could escape.
There was Nowhere to go.
It was so Hot! Even in the Shade.
This was Before Everyone had air-conditioning
and Climate Change (not that we Noticed),
of course. Back then, the Only Way
us Kids could Escape the Heat
was by going to the Movies.
And so, One hot August afternoon,
all of us sat in the dark, Deliciously Chilled,
watching those Poor People swelter and die
up on the Big Screen. But just before the Earth
turned into a Crisper, the main character,
a Girl, awoke—
Like Sleeping Beauty, she’d been Dreaming!
The Earth was Actually spinning away from the Sun.
Everything was getting Colder, not Hotter!
And it was kind of Peaceful watching everyone
lie down in the Snow and just go to Sleep.
After all that Parched Scenery,
it almost made you want to Smile.
Maybe in the End we’ll be morphed
into Aliens and get Filled Up with all that
gooey Alien DNA, and lose Everything we think
keeps us human.
Or maybe a Comet will cut the World In Two
and make three Moons of us.
Or Time will Loop Back on Itself
when the universe Collapses
under its own weight,
like a rain-soaked Tent,
and we’re forced To Repeat
things over and Over again like
an old Phone Message:
“Not in now. Don’t know the drill?
Don’t leave a message.”
(Voice mail Hell to be Sure.)

There are So Many Ways to Die:
An Ingrown Toenail, Broken Glass,
A Pin-Prick of Bad Blood, a Loose Slipper,
Inwardness, wayward Looks,  Words;
Good Timing, Bad Timing or No Timing at all;
Turning your Head, Not Turning,
And On and On. There are so many ways
to Die. But I only know One way to Live.
How about you?
[A Conversation Overheard/ Misheard
In Coffee Shop]
“They were both the same height
 and everything.”
“They both believed in God.”
“They had the same hair colour
and they believed in God.”
“They had the same glasses....”
In an age when
dust was formed,
Chemistry first changed
mud into molecules.
This didn’t prevent
other reactions,
Fallen angels
have such steep
learning curves,
even cockroaches
have to laugh.

THANK GOODNESS FOR WAR! Russia invades Ukraine and Wham! Bam-O! Masks, mandates, and trucker protests are all so…yesterday’s news!  So, tip-of-the-hat to the powers-that-be who decided to push the “Halt and Catch Fire” button on our civilization. Good job, guys! The hell with Covid! We’ve got bigger fish to fry—Us! Hasta la vista, Baby!

But at least our pending Armageddon gives me an excuse to assault you with another batch of poems. And I hope this slap on the side of your head with a wet fish won’t sting for too long or be too smelly and all. Some are oldies and some newbies, the usual drill.  


JUST NOW, I’M TRYING TO GET INTO Dickens' Hard Times. It’s one of his later books and from what little literary criticism I’ve read about the work, it’s also a bit of an outlier for him. In most of his books, the narrative voice or the voice of the narrator usual conveys a sense of compassion or wry understanding for his characters, even the “bad” ones like the tragic Mrs. Haversham in Great Expectations or in A Tale of Two Cities, the sociopathic Madam DeFarge, who I think Dickens feels is a victim of the collective madness that befell those caught up in the frenzy that was the French Revolution. (Or at least the Madness allowed her true character to emerge. The sound I imagine her knitting needles made sends a chill up my spine—right to the nape of my neck!) 

IN HIS BOOKS, there’s always some nuance, some redeeming feature, even for such failed or “lost” souls as these.

BUT IN HARD TIMES, DICKENS IS BLUNT, brusque even, in depictions of characters he clearly finds despicable, such as Thomas Gradgrind or Mister Bounderby. Gradgrind’s “rational” methods of child-rearing and Bounderby’s selfish marriage to the much younger Louisa, Dickens has little patience for, and it’s almost as if his “writer’s veil” has come down and he let’s loose with a barrage of invective and condemnation, making it clear from the start how he feels about such people. IF DICKENS WERE AROUND TODAY, I think he’d be loaded for bear, with so much to criticize, and so many characters to call to account. *


Cheers, Jake.



* Which is not to say there aren’t a whole lot of guffaws and slap-and-tickles left in this old world. But, really! Is it not about time we did some serious housekeeping and clean this place up, grab a broom and dustpan, and just get busy?  



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