Monday 10 May 2021



JUST A SHORT RANT TODAY. Why has Canada, as of May 10/21 refused to support the IP (Intellectual Property) waiver on Covid-19 medicines and vaccines? On May 5/21, the United States indicated it will allow waivers of IP protections so that low-income countries can both purchase and produce generic versions of the life-saving drugs. The major pharmaceutical companies (at least temporarily) will lose their patent protections on the various coronavirus medicines they now produce if negotiations at the WTO (World Trade Organization) favour this initiative.

One question, and pardon my French: Why the fuck should we have to wait for bureaucrats at the WTO to take their time coming to a “consensus decision” (whatever that means) on global patent protections for these medications?


I’m frankly ashamed of Canada’s laggardly response to this issue and its role, along with other hold-out nations (the European Union, Japan, Great Britain, Brazil and some others, including the U.S. until last week), in slowing down a decision on this matter. Canada’s Trade Minister said recently that Canada “looks forward to finding solutions to ensure a just and speedy global recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.” Prime Minister Trudeau has thus far remained non-committal around waiving IP rights.  Blahblahblah…

And another point: I wonder how long these 'negotiations' will take at the WTO? Let’s see at the end of the day if IP patent protections are indeed lifted, or will the rich countries use the excuse of WTO intransigence for standing in the way of making the right choice?


And finally, it seems Canada, as usual, waits to decide until the Americans make their decision, then like a good toady, follows the elephant’s lead.


Cheers, Jake.    



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