Sunday 16 September 2018


Inside the head of Homo Bloggus, ladies and gentlemen, 
for the first time and perhaps last, we bring you a live broadcast 
of the creature's mind as he sits in his den 
making gossamer lines out of the woof and weave 
of everyday life. Listen, all, if you will,
Such a muddle!
All the trouble!
For a madman’s idol.
In our so sad idyll,
there comes an eyeful
of skies a-rad-full.
And with such a show-show
Now all a-glow-glow,
So daddy’s yoo-foe*
goes bye-a-go-go.
What’s more to know sir?
Who’s left to show, sir?
Our world, it swirls so
right round the drain, oh….

*”UFO”—Unidentified Flying Object

Damn You, Cat!
Like #2
Yep, trolling through the archives again. I like to put a page of doodles down after every few posts just to break things up a bit and to let my marbles fall out onto the floor. So here's a few from vaults. Enjoy or take some something for the pain.
DAMN CATS! Why do I bother? They don't care; they ignore me anyway. Screw them! Cats!
LIKE #2 I usually feel like the client in this doodle most of the time when I have anything to do with people in authority like managers, especially "wealth managers" (and like I'll ever have enough wealth to warrant a manager—more like a manage-it-yourself manager!) Poor guy doesn't even have a belt to hold up his pants!

And speaking of pets and pet peeves and NORCO'S FINAL TRICK: You go girl! Haven't you ever thought about what it must be like to be a killer whale stuck in one of those aquariums, a thousand miles from the nearest ocean? No? Me neither. But I'll bet Norco has. A lot.

And there are a couple of other toons I threw in for fun. Throw them back if they're too immature. 
The photograph of the young man with my accompanying, rather poor cartoon sketch below (THE LAST DANCE) is taken from a cache of WWI photos unearthed in France in the early 2000s and put online. The series of photos, which included this fellow, was taken sometime before the battle of the Somme, in a small French town behind the front line. The battle began in July 1916 and lasted nearly four months. It was a horrific bloodbath that cost close to 700,000 lives. Chances are he didn't make it. The doodle was an illustration for the following poem I wrote, probably in the early 'tweens', for Remembrance Day, when we think for a few minutes about the sacrifice so many made, so long ago, so that today we can have the world we think we deserve. It's called "The Last Dance." 

The Last Dance
Last Dance
Oh, dance with me once more.
Dance once more across the floor.
Oh, dance with me once more, once more.
Oh, my jolly man! My Johnny man!

In a land far, far away
they bid you stay, they bid you lay.
In a land far, far away, you went away.
Oh, my jolly man! My Johnny man!

In a forest far away,
comes a day, you make your way.
In a forest dark today, you make your stay.
Oh, my jolly man! My Johnny man!

So they say you'll kill today.
On your way. To the fray.
So they say you killed today. Only way.
Oh, my jolly man! My Johnny man!

By a brook you stopped to pray.
To God you pray, your sins repay.
By a brook you stop to pray. Only way.
Oh, my jolly man! My Johnny man!

So they say you’re killed today,
while you pray. In the clay.
So they say your soul’s away, on this day.
Oh, my jolly man! My Johnny man!

For one yet born you kill today;
you’re killed today. You will obey.
For two yet born you’re killed today. Only way.
Oh, my jolly man! My Johnny man!

Oh! My love is gone today—
This day in May. Gone away.
And for your love who’s gone away. I will pray.
Oh, our jolly men! Our Johnny men!

Fellowship of the Spring
GHOSTS and FELLOWSHIP cartoons are polar opposites in their mood and theme: The later is reaching for fellowship across the barrier between the real and the imagined; the former is the faded dust of memories perhaps, scribbled on a page.   

Going for the Gold!
PUPPETED and GOING FOR THE GOLD! Well, can't a boy have some fun?  
CHERYL with the whole world in her hands couldn't be more opposite from 1,000,000, or even further removed from EARTH 2.0 with its problematic meaning. (Is that the Earth clouded over? Is it a dying Earth with a new one waiting in the wings, dark and mysterious. Or are the clouds there to protect it from the dark Earth that seems to be forming in the foreground. Or is that planet in the foreground another planet altogether? 
Questions, questions, questions! (Hay! They're just doodles, dude!)



Earth 2.0?

Cheers, Jake.

Author 2.0?