Tuesday 3 July 2018


little blue

Crop Circle
Artiste in Torture Chamber

Rock a bye-bye.
AGAIN, A RANDOM PICK FROM THE ARCHIVE. I like LITTLE BLUE, 'cause it's the place where me and a few billion of my friends live; it's our little getaway from all that dark and cold. (I'm so glad that we have the moon for company, at least.) CROP CIRCLE was a doodle for a poem I wrote about...crop circles, of course, though on closer inspection, it seems to have an environmental theme of desertification and despair on a dry and dying, and perhaps angry earth. (Oh cummon! Lighten up for Pete's sake! It's just a doodle!) ARTISTE is a self-portrait. Drawing is a torturous process for me, and I sometimes take it out on the poor critters or folk I draw. It looks like I've pinned a gingerbread man to the table in order to sketch him before he dies. Sorry about that. (I hate cinnamon anyway.) And ROCK-A-BYE-BYE, what's so funny about that, you ask. Well, it's not meant to be funny, I guess. I just took the rather perverse nursery rhyme about a baby rocking in a cradle in a tree, and added some bungee sticks. Perhaps the theme is that babies and trees don't mix? I don't know; I just draws 'em, folks.... FROZEN was a doodle I did for another poem. There may something about the two figures in the background that suggests immobility, certainly a turning away from some kind of relationship, or at least sex. They appear 'frozen' like a painting or sculpture. But the foreground figure suggests wistfulness, longing or hope perhaps. And, dare I confess! I do like bottoms! There, I've said it!  ;-). Not much to be said about HOLLOW MAN Not much there; not much to report.FULL CIRCLE is another poem illustration. Initially, I thought it was kind of hopeful and happy, until I realized the rider is about to plunge to his or her death. I know it's supposed to be a sketch of a roller coaster ride where the viewer naturally 'fills in' the gaps, and assumes it's complete. But this is doodle-land, baby, and sometimes incomplete is just incomplete. Period! And the last doodle, TA-DA! Well, what else?
Hollow Man

Full Circle


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