Thursday 15 June 2023


IT’S EARLY SUMMER HERE, an ocean away from the clusterfuck in Ukraine, and as much as I detest writing about it, it’s probably time to check in on the dust-up over there. The most significant event this month was the recent destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam along the Dnipro River. Massive flooding resulted downstream affecting both sides whose militaries face each other from opposite banks. It is likely that Ukraine is responsible—they’d shelled and sent missile strikes against the Soviet-era structure in the past, though some analysts suggest it might have been a malfunctioning turbine that exploded within the dam structure causing its collapse. So, we’ll see. Both sides blame the other, but my bet is on the Ukrainians* who did it to slow the advance of Russian forces across the Dnipro, and to distract the public’s attention away from the AFU’s (Armed Forces of Ukraine) poor showing, thus far, on the battlefield. Former CIA officer Larry Johnson suggests an additional reason might be to draw in humanitarian NGOs, adding yet another layer of involvement  by the West in Kiev's political agenda.  
UPSTREAM, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, which has its own water reservoir (used in cooling the super-hot radioactive rods), is not currently affected by the loss of the Nova Kakhovka dam, though lower water levels at the plant remains a worrying possibility. Some analysts suggest the attack on the dam, if that's what it was, was meant to deliberately damage the nuclear facility (Europe’s largest). A core meltdown there would be an environmental disaster on the scale of Chernobyl and a major headache for the Russians, so let’s hope the AFU’s military chiefs don’t let the situation get out of hand. (It's their country, after all, or what's left of it, and they might want to prevent it turning into a radioactive cow patty. Just sayin')
ZELENSKY, a couple of days ago, announced the much-ballybooed Spring/Summer offensive has finally begun, and there have been reports of thwarted incursions against well-entrenched Russian defences, with significant losses of men and materiel, including recently deployed “Challenger” and “Leopard 2” tanks
in several attempts to breech Russian lines. NOTHING major so far. 
BUT on a side note, 10 June saw the Belgium publication, De Tijd, claiming that the CIA passed on information to Belgium spy masters, in the weeks following the September 2022 bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, that those Ukrainian privateers who set sail in the Baltic from a Polish harbour in the yacht Andromeda and who are touted as the culprits were, in fact, taking their marching orders from none other than Ukraine’s General Zaluzhny who has been little heard from or seen in recent days. That’s as high up the food chain the conspiracy went with President Zelensky apparently having been kept out of the loop.😉 Natch! 
NOW WE ARE EXPECTED TO BELIEVE that a rogue element in the Ukrainian army is responsible for sabotaging the multi-billion-dollar Russian/German undersea pipeline last year. I wonder if Berlin is starting to regret all the military hardware and money they’ve been forking over to Kiev, especially now that Germany's economy is heading into a recession without all that cheap Russian natgas to keep its industries running.1 With friends like that....Though, this latest ‘revelation’ could give Germany an excuse to pull away from supporting Ukraine. 
GERMANY MIGHT WANT to cite “Article Five” of NATO’s charter that says member states must come to their aid because Ukraine attacked them! (Or their pipeline, at least.) They might even accuse Poland of being a co-conspirator, since Andromeda launched from a Polish port.(BTW, Poland has recently filed a claim against Germany for WWII reparations to the tune of 1.3 trillion bucks!) Wouldn’t that be a sticky wicket! How's this scenario: Germany and the rest of NATO at war with Ukraine! (And Poland?) Be still my beating heart! My point is to say that NATO, as a military alliance, is increasingly fractious, and its enfeebled and uncoordinated response to Russian incursions into Ukraine make it obvious to anyone that it's a spent force, increasingly purposeless (Cold War's over, papa), and long past its sell-by date. In terms of geopolitics and its role in maintaining American hegemony, it is on the wrong side of history.
THEN, there are NATO members, Hungary and Türkiye, who increasingly march to a different drummer. Who's next to start missing the beat and going their own way, separate from the U.S. dominated organization? Maybe 'blows-hot-and-cold' French president Macron might someday grow a pair and just say "NO", and actually do something about it. And, all I'm saying is there are growing divisions in NATO that bode ill for the 74 year-old alliance. The hoary, Cold War coalition seems to be a shakier proposition with each passing day.2   
The Andromeda scenario is also convenient because it points the finger at anyone other than Joe Biden and his neocon crew, who if the maxim cui bono (“who benefits”) is followed to its logical conclusion, the biggest beneficiary of the pipeline’s destruction is the United States.   I'd suggest NATO start Chapter 5 proceedings against the U.S. but that would be like punching yourself in the face. Ouch!)
    It's air-sick bag time, again.
Fun times in the Old World.
BUT FROM THE NEW WORLD comes the Prince of Preening, our very own PM Trudeau on an unannounced 10 June visit to Kiev (along with Finance Minister Christina Freeland) to meet with President Zelensky and fawn all over him. Trudeau arrived with a half billion bucks of assistance (your tax dollars at work), as well as a Russian cargo plane. The huge “Antonov 124” had been held at Toronto’s Pearson airport since the start of the conflict in February 2022 and was stolen confiscated by Canada as part of the mindless sanctions’ regime imposed on Russia by the collective West. INCIDENTALLY, the plane first arrived in Canada during the Covid period, delivering medical test kits from China. Say, who do them Ruskies think they are delivering medical supplies over here! The nerve! We'll take their plane. That'll show 'em!
ADDITIONALLY, I wonder if PM Trudeau took a break from selfie-taking with Volodymir to ask the president why a Canadian journalist is on the
Myrotvorets (“Peacekeepers”) kill list? This is a Ukrainian website which provides information on politicians, soldiers, public figures, writers, and journalists, like Aaron Mate of the Grayzone, who have been critical of the Ukrainian government. The site calls such people "enemies of Ukraine" just for exercising their right to speak and write freely in Ukraine and anywhere else. Even in Canada. The website has been criticized for its doxxing practices and inflammatory language that is a barely disguised call for violence against people it labels "anti-Ukraine propagandists". A high-profile example of this was the murder in Moscow of the writer Darya Dugina who was killed last August in a car bomb blast that many feel was intended for her father, a prominent Russian writer and staunch critic of Ukraine. 
On the “Peacekeepers” website, [Are they making a pun or expressing irony with their name? I can’t tell. Ed.] across Darya’s photo is the word “Liquidated”. And there are others. I wonder if Justin broached the subject of Mate and Mate's Grayzone colleague Anya Parampil being included on the kill list during his face time with Volodymir? (I doubt it because Mate and Parampil don't follow the standard script that MSM bloviates daily on the subjects of Ukraine, Russia, War and Peace [pun intended. Ed.] etc., those same scripts that globalist elites, like Trudeau, promote while in government.)   
    Hmmm. That looks SO familar....
In a Grayzone video,
here, Aaron and Max Blumenthal (The Grayzone’s editor) discuss how far right, neo-Nazi militias, and groups inside Ukraine have a disproportionate influence on government policy and on Zelensky himself. Such groups, along with their odious ideology, have infiltrated the military, such as the Azov Battalion, for example.
 The Canadian military was warned in 2015 before starting its Ukraine training mission about the dangers of the far-right within the Ukrainian military ranks, [Italics mine. Ed.] but the senior leadership largely ignored those concerns.” (Ottawa Citizen)
AT the 9:35 minute mark of the video with Max, Aaron cites an example from 2019 when Zelensky’s own outreach program to the disaffected citizens in the Donbass region,  a program designed to promote dialogue and peaceful coexistence, was disrupted by neo-Nazi militias who attacked speakers and broke up meetings in the eastern provinces, forcing the newly elected president to cancel the initiative. It is safe to say that his administration ever since has formulated antagonist and uncompromising policies towards the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk, and Russian-speaking Ukrainians in general. Perhaps Zelensky's true colours came to the fore as he gained political power, or perhaps hard-liners and hard-right militias made his governing from a more progressive and democratic place impossible. In the end, it looks like he gave into the hard right forces opposing his early efforts at conciliation between the eastern half of Ukraine (largely Russian speaking)and the western (largely Ukrainian speaking).
His subsequent years in power have shown to me that Zelensky is nothing more than a huckster and oligarch wannabe who’s out for all he can get, a tin pot dictator, much in keeping with his predecessors. And if he didn't start out that way, he's destined to end up there, and with a big pile of moolah  by the time he's ready for his victory lap. 👏
AND BEFORE I bang on too long—let’s recap:
ʘ Ukraine’s “counter-offensive” has been happening for the last week or so. The front lines haven’t moved much but Ukraine continues to suffer heavy loses when they try to break through Russian defences.
ʘ Zelensky continues to ask for F-16 jet fighters from everyone. He’s being ‘slow walked’ to this goal because of the fear Ukraine might attack Russian territory and in doing so cross a red line that Moscow can’t allow. And besides, they cost a lot of money and will probably get shot down tout suite by superior Russian air defences.
ʘ More weapons to Ukraine; most of NATO remains on-board for continuing this clusterfuck. This month, Finland foolishly joins the boys playing in their sandbox. Sweden may join them next month if there's unanimity among NATO members.  (Thirty-one members, 31 votes; all it takes is one NO vote to put the kibosh to the deal. We'll see.) Growing concerns over the conflict, however, are seen in various European centres; push-back during EU parliamentary debates, anti-war commentary; protests are seen in Paris, Berlin, and other cities.
ʘ There’s a NATO summit meeting in Vilinus, Lithuania next month and this may prove to be a turning point in the conflict: Depending on how Ukraine’s counter-offensive is going, the blundering fucktards at NATO might decide to arm Ukraine with jet fighters and perhaps deadlier missile arrays. Of course, it will be the U.S. who sends many of the weapons; Europe is just about tapped out. However, American weapons manufacturing facilities are no match for Russian production capabilities. So how long the U.S. can supply Ukraine and still be ready for their slow pivot to China is anyone's guess. (And that's definitely another story!) Some commentators have even argued to give Ukraine tactical nuclear weapons! Zelensky and nukes--what could go wrong?
ONE WORRY I have is that these idiots, led by America’s Idiot-in-Chief, Joe Biden, will attempt to drag the ‘defensive’ alliance into direct conflict with Russia by having member states sign separate security guarantees with Ukraine, allowing them to send in what are, for all intents and purposes, NATO troops, but without the alliance having to formally declare war with Russia. Revanchist Poland is an example, with several hundred thousand troops at its command. If Poland intervenes on the side of Kiev, and Russia then attacks facilities inside Poland, such an act, so the brain trust would have us believe, would not trigger “Article Five” of the NATO charter, bringing all member states into the fray, since it was Poland that initiated its war with Russia. NEVERTHELESS, such a scheme would surely widen the war and ratchet up calls for NATO (mostly the United States) to intervene. This scenario, no doubt, will be discussed during the July NATO summit in Vilinus: seeing if anyone's interested in duking it out with Russia alongside Ukraine. But, what I hope to see at the summit is a reasoned discussion😂around moves to establish “off-ramps” and peace talks; the use of diplomatic and de-escalatory language, and agreeing to establish a European security arrangement that everyone can live with, including Russia. Because when you die all they leave you with is a dirt sandwich....
A COUPLE of watery stories to close: In the Black Sea, a Russian naval ship patrolling the waters above the TurkStream gas pipeline was attacked by Ukrainian "boat drones". I must admit the drones did look cool (before they were destroyed.) They reminded me of the Bat-Boat from another age. Say, you don't think anyone would want to blow up that pipeline, do you? Presumably, one of the markets for the (Russian--shhh!) gas is Eastern Europe, as the continent looks to source "sanctions-approved" gas supplies via
Türkiye. Technically, Russian gas shipped via  Türkiye is not Russian gas. Technically. So, I guess it's..Turkish gas then? Such circumlocutions  make my head spin! BUT, about that drone boat attack, could it be the same bozos who blew up Nord Stream? Who was guiding those drones? Who gave them the green light to attack a Russian ship? Is the TurkStream pipeline next on their hit list? Dunno. 
But somebody wants to keep Europe cold and in the dark this winter, and be forced to pay through the nose for expensive imported LNG from America and other producers. Who could it be?....
ʘ ANOTHER "water" story, this one from the other  side of the world: Can anyone tell me what the hell a Canadian frigate is doing parading alongside an American destroyer in the Taiwan Straits? There was an incident  the other day when a Chinese warship cut across their path in a "warding off" (i.e. Fuck Off) gesture. How dare the Chinese float their boats in our water! Granted, the frigate HMCS Montreal was 6,000 miles or so from home, but that shouldn't matter. It's how we feel about the water--that it's our water--that's all that counts. Those Chinese are such bullies!
SO, LEMME GET THIS STRAIGHT: In Europe, we're holding the stick that's poking the Russian bear. And in far away China we're America's dopey sidekick as they try to tickle the dragon's tail. Anywhere and everywhere, it's all the same game for these empty-headed empty suits in Washington, Brussels and London (and Ottawa). Sure, we'll keep poking this and tickling that. Why not? What could go wrong? Eh?
“SOME DAMNED FOOLISH THING in the Balkans,” Bismarck had predicted, would ignite the next war. The assassination of the Austrian heir apparent, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, by Serbian nationalists on June 28, 1914, satisfied his condition.”  (Barbara W. Tuchman, The Guns of August)
Cheers, Jake.
    Zelensky and Cleverly.
* AN ODD coincidence saw British Foreign Sec James Cleverly visiting Kiev the day before the dam blew on 6 June. And we know the British have a reputation for just this sort of sabotage going way back. Are the two events connected? Dunno, but it is passing strange, don’t you think?
1. The recent claim that Ukraine military personnel bombed the Nord Stream last September is highly unlikely. This latest leak, published in the Belgium newspaper  De Tijd newspaper, smacks of CIA "disinfo". Remember that in March, just days after the Hersh exposé revealed it was the Americans and Norwegians who did it, a convenient story appeared in American and European papers claiming it was some random, unnamed  "pro-Ukrainian" dudes on a yacht who were the Nord Stream bombers. This latest CIA  leak, suggesting it was Ukrainian military behind the September bombing, just adds convenient flesh to the bones of that cockamamie fairy tale. 
BUT, conveniently, the tale gives the United States both a cover-story to hide their culpability and also a bit of an off-ramp or excuse to withdraw their support from Ukraine, if they find it necessary to abandon that sinking ship in the near future. Those guys in Kiev are out-of-control, man! They’re craazy! Who knows what they’ll do next! We can't support them any more. We're outta here! Etc. 
THIS LATEST Andromeda  news story claims it was  General Valerii Zaluzhny, Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s armed forces who was responsible for the Nord Stream attack! It seems the blame buck stops with Zaluzhny, who's rarely been seen in the last few weeks, adding to speculation that he's had a falling out with Zelensky. The words "fall guy" and “scapegoat” come to mind. 
[As I've said before, I'll go with Seymour Hersh's more logical explanation of who blew up the pipeline.  Any "conspiracy theory" on the attack that doesn't have America listed as "Operator #1, isn't worth its salt (water). Ed.]
2. Our federal Finance Minister, Christina Freeland, is in the running (a long shot) for Secretary General of NATO when Jens Stoltenberg retires. Here’s hoping the perky Davos diva takes the helm of S.S. NATO as it sails head-on into that iceberg. With any luck, she’ll go down with all hands. 
[Interesting factoid: I read that per capita Canada has donated more dough to Ukraine than the United States. All that $ to burn! It makes me so proud, I want to cry!😭Ed.]
Ottawa Citizen: 
"Myrotvorets" home page:
Reverand Gary Davis

    "After the storm, I walked along the beach for a time until I came to a small cove where, in the tangled dross of the sea, there lay..."

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